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Everything posted by Jipa

  1. Thanks everybody for your input. Will get a price/assessment from my garage.
  2. @nikh25 Sound logical, the noise is only really coming from the side with the perished gaitery-thingy. @everybody As it does have to be full-lock to be heard, any views on whether this is a MOT test fail? What to do next?
  3. Nope. Not the arch liner. Maybe I'll ask the wife to jog alongside - listening (for a change) - while I do Uies in the road...
  4. The arch liner wasn't apparantly loose when I had the wheel off this aft. I pop out and check.
  5. Have removed each front wheel and checked the Haynes suggestions: loose nuts/washers; rods OK; track-rod ends; and drive shaft/CV gaiters. The only obvious issue is the perished thingy in the photo... http://s1321.photobucket.com/user/Jipaowen/media/Civic-frontL-perished-gaiterApr13_zps7460b626.jpg.html The Haynes procedure to expose the CV joint seems a bit complex. So, I took a few turns on full-lock and the noise is more like a scuffing - as if the front left wheel (especially) is chaffing on something. No apparant marks on the tyre. Any suggestions? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @philgor/wilkesy Driving a VTi on your own has always been fun. Mind you, I spend more time lugging the familiy around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone got a link to how to embed images directly - rather than post a link? Am sure I've seen it somewhere on here.
  6. @Unicycling Tom Not looked at the CV joints (or anything underneath for that matter). I know what a CV joint is, but not what one looks like. Time to open the Haynes manual and start learning to be a mechanic... I'll whip off the wheels over the Easter break and investigate. Thanks for the speedy pointer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was gonna trade emceetoo, but then a 2.7 TDi A6 tried to pull away on the A6070. Ha, ha ,ha. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. When turning my MC2 slowly under full-lock, a grating (or maybe whining) noise comes from under the front. I am guessing it is steering/suspension related - like track rod ends, links, bushes etc. My MOT is due soon and I want to be prepared... Your experiences and comments please.
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