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Everything posted by LStuart06

  1. thanks for the info gonna get stuck into it at the weekend and see how I get on. I take it honda will have this oil in stock and it wont need ordered ?
  2. so should i change my gearbox oil and add this stuff in or just add that straight to my current box oil ?
  3. the guy i bought it from said the clutch was not long replaced but i got no history with the car so im starting to believe that he was talking alot of rubbish.
  4. the clutch kinda vibrates a bit when im lifting of in gear but then again the gearbox can be quite stiff sometimes
  5. after getting my vtis a few weeks ago i've quickly sourced most of the mechanical problems which are in the process of getting fixed but after doing an a full oil change and replacing the oil filter i've noticed a big difference in performance only thing is the gearbox doesn't crunch when driving normally but when going full pelt i've cot a crunch in nearly every gear. Is this signs of the gearbox oil needing replaced or is the box on its way out 1"£££$££"
  6. its ok folks ive spotted my problem my cv boots are ripped and there grease pi**ing everywhere
  7. ive noticed over the past few wet days ive got some sort of oil leaking from my car and discovered a hole today either on the gearbox on steering wheel side or from something that is located next to gearbox. my gearbox is a bit stiff and it seems to be quite rough when accelerating in vtec just wondering if it could be a missing drain plug or something. Cant find my axle stands so cant get properly under the car at the moment for a look but any advice would be appreciated. 1"£££$££"!
  8. sound bud thanks for the info
  9. think ill give it a bash anyway's will rover/mg wheel bearings be ok for a mb6 will make my search for them better if you can?
  10. gonna have a look into these at the weekend but wheel bearing is sounding very much like my problem. any ideas if this is a hard fix ?
  11. thanks simpso will try that tomorrow. no on the inside there must be moisture getting in there some how as you can see evaporation on the inside of the headlight.
  12. hi guys i didnt get a service manual with my car and im just wondering if anyone knows how to remover the front headlamps from the car and how can i get in to it to clean the inside of the headlight as it is all clouded inside and dirty. Pics would be great to explain where all the bolts are thanks 1"£££$££"!!
  13. i assumed it could be that but never had any noises or problems with wheel bearings from previous cars before so dont really know what a b****red bearing would sound like
  14. its coming from the front of the car possibly the right it only happens when the car is moving and it gets louder the quicker I go
  15. ive got a really annoying rubbing sound comming from my mb6 when i drive and i cannot source the problem and just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and knows what the prob is? Thanks 1"£££$££"!
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