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  1. yeh it is very low have trouble getting in and out of it some times.. guess il jus have to replace the wheel barrings and cv joints regular .. pluss its because i got 14" alloys it looks even lower.. u from bham aswell were abouts ?
  2. there awesome... onli problem is wen im going of humps as iv got s**tloads of them around where i live.. my decat VERY SLIGHLTY scrapes.. now im in two minds either get it taken out orr get the pipe brakets adjusted so the decats higher.. but it dont scrape majorly its just that i dont like it scrappin sound i rather get it fixedd.. guna have a look at the rear wiper and see if i can get it donee tomoro.. also guna get the decat sorted tormoro
  3. thinking of getting rid of the rear wiper.. but dont knw how big of a job it is soo in two minds :\.. pluss can i cover the whole in the boot lid tht will be left behind after i remove the rear wiper?
  4. thanks KING they look awesomee .. haha i think im guna set the road on fire we just about got it out the unit when it got lowered.. put some of the pics up we took today .. haha jamals ej.. shud be fun to see what hes added to it on the weekends
  5. thanks fyfie got he ta techniques coilovers like you advised ... nicee onee
  6. its a MB3 mate looking to get a B18c4 transplant soon... iv ordered the climair ones mate my mate KING told me the team hekko ones are useless i like to have the wind deflectors sticking out wide ..
  7. will have more pics up of my car.. just done this quickly as i had said i will put pics up and hadnt got around to do so... so far what i have doen to the car... full leather from a deck full vtis kit apiro back box ta technique coilovers dechromed front grill accord steering wheel mgz carbon dash trims K&n Air filter will defo have many more pics up jus ordered som wind defelectors hopfully shud have them up this week
  8. hi guys... pretty new on here i posted a topic erliyer on when i signed up... still new on here so getting my way around the website . so i own a mb3 i was my first car so had it for a little while now... when i first got it is was fully standard.. so i added some modifications still got allot to do but so far what i have done is the following; -full deck leathers interior (in black) including the armrest carpets everything really inside the car -full vtis kit -apiro back box -ta techniques coilovers -K&N induction -vtis fogs -honda accord steering wheel -mgz carbon fibre dash trims -colour coded (mirrors, door handles, bumper trims) heres some quick pictures i took will upload more when i get some time... these are just a couple i had in my phone THREAD MOVED BY ADMIN
  9. Hiya mate any chance you can get your hands on another pair of winglets as there awesome I'm from Bham aswell if you can it wud be awesome .. And I can pick them iv you of possible and pay yah wa Eva they cost.
  10. Cascade green pearl (g99p)? Like mine? Nah mine is like the Dark green but I the evening it looks blue or when you wash it and te suns out you can see the two colours... By the way the colour of ur car is beautifull
  11. sounds like its going to looks sweet! cant wait for the pics Thanks mate she's coming along pretty well ill have some pics up tonight
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