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  1. Would I be correct in thinking the expansion tank is the coolant reservoir?
  2. I think it's an airlock issue, what's the best way to bleed it. The garage seem confident they've bled it completely. The needle goes up when sat idle, is this symptomatic?
  3. Not sure, but I've just ad a brand new thermostat put on it today. So hoping that's not the case
  4. Hello all I know there are a few threads on this but may as well ask! My car temp was running very low, to the point it would go down to the bottom. So today I got a garage to replace the thermostat, bleed the system and top up the coolants etc. upon driving the car back the temp rose to above 2/3rds so I whacked the blowers on and drove it back tothe garage. They said it was bled for 45 mins, so they concluded it could be the head gasket (pressure test req) or maybe the heater matrix. I'm taking their word that they have fully bled the system so am wondering in the other things they mentioned could be a possibility? Any help would be great Cheers
  5. Hello mate. I've just had my thermostat replaced and got exactly the same problem. The garage bleed the system for 45 mins as to Akers sure of no airlocks. As I drove it the temp rose to over two thirds before I had to put the blowers on. Have you rectified this problem as they recommend pressure testing to ensures the head gasket hasn't gone, or that the water pump maybe goosed. Any info would be greatly appreciated
  6. Quality I'll have a look. Cheers again
  7. Hello all Just got an mb6 and there's a few niggling bits on it indeed to sort out, thankfully through this forum I've already addressed 2 of the issues. (blowers not working on first two settings, new thermostat) so very happy thus far! My next port of call is sounds. What size will fit in the front door speaker wise. I'm not too fussed about the rear at the moment but the fronts do need upgrading with a relatively cheap pair. Again any and all info is greatly appreciated! Cheers
  8. Great news. Thanks again for the info. Is there a place I can get the thermostat? Thinking eBay maybe. Is there a dummies guide to replacing it? I'm not mechanically minded when it comes to cars!
  9. Just a quick one. My temp gauge on my mb6 sometimes dips low, nearly to the bottom. It normally just sits below half but on occasions it's dropped significantly. It still drives ok, but when I put the blowers on warm it's fairly cool. I spoke with Honda and they said its probably the temp sensor which is connected with the coolant etc. was just wondering if it's a big or expensive job and if parts are easy to source and if it's a DIY job or a quick job for a mechanic. Any and all help would be appreciated. Cheers! P.s is the fact the blowers only work on settings 3 and 4 a comman problem? Thanks again
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