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Everything posted by podge

  1. something wrong so the other wheel should spin the same way if its a s9b gearbox
  2. i think a car with lsd the wheels should spin the same way and non lsd spin opposite
  3. it working now what do you think good job or not
  4. what do you think of this https://youtube.com/watch?v=XBCIzXrasJA&feature=g-hist
  5. podge

    b18c jdm

    would the wiring be the same at the engine side on the intake for the sensors? new to the mb6 love the car but would like itr motor in it
  6. just thinking would the wiring loom be the same to swap my b18c4 mb6 to itr b18c can get them engine cheap here in ireland for 800 euro and to get 200 bhp out of b18c4 would cost alot more that! don't want to do it if the wiring loom isn't right
  7. love the kit on them cars looks good man
  8. podge


    if its all the gears sounds like the clutch but id change the gearbox oil first see if that helps
  9. podge


    99 mb6 83 thou vtec still working
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