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Everything posted by marko

  1. last day of voting looks pretty clear cut right now, can knight pull it back from mattys 3 point lead!
  2. thanks guys booked in with a friendly tester tomorrow so should pretty fair with her
  3. looking good pal in my honest opinion i would say to go for a bronze colour on the callipers would go well with the red
  4. i was under the impression that spoon N1 are one of the loudest, have a look into a twin loop can get them on egay relatively cheap these, also have a look at the apexi ws2 both are high flow low noise boxes designed for the track
  5. You have to share the mrs ka too. my mrs has got one to and I hate having to drive that around, it sucks! Yeap and to add to that her clutch is slipping so much it's made a very slow car alot slower haha
  6. you wouldnt say it looked damn good if you saw it in person, but thanks all the same pal also about to go out and run a screw through my wing mirror, sick of the penny falling out when i put my foot down and having to stuff another one in on the go
  7. lol its so dirty i love how pics just dont show how much grease and dust is all over it but yeah glad its done now was fun bouncing on the front calliper to remove the strut without splitting ball joints or dropping the lower wishbone i hope it goes through its MOT too couldnt bear another week of sharing the missus KA
  8. so a week yesterday i started to fit bits to my car i started by stripping the new trailing arm of the parts i didnt need then i went to the car to remove the arm from my car put locking wheel nut key in place cracked the wheel nuts whent to crack the locking wheel nut and *CRUNCH* locking wheel nut key just turned to powder literally so off to a garage to get them out £20 seemed fair as i was in a bind. old arm came of no problem new RTA bush went in no problem which i cannot say for the RTA bush on the passenger side which was a very tight fit. refreshed the brakes and greased them up with pagid cera tec ceramic grease holds upto 1400° apparently speaking of 1400° i would recommend anyone doing this buys a cheap blowtorch would have been lost without it doing the back shocks. fitted new HB cable which im still having problems with my HB not working where i fitted a new one but the calliper isnt stuck cause when i press the pedal the wheel is solid as a rock then i put the HB on and it can be moved if it has more than three clicks on it. heres what the calliper did look like i cleaned it up and got its mechanics running smooth it spent a week like this and after changing the whole arm i think this is the only part that was faulty on the arm ahh well live and learn ey and now back on the road awaiting her 4wheel alignment M.O.T and a good wash
  9. also dont get a big centre section stuck in there TAKE IT OUT
  10. lol nice , and 8500 in third will get you 80+ so good job it was a 60 haha
  11. lol not only is it a draw for 1st but second and third are also tied :s
  12. Much appreciated mate, thanks for putting my Baby up for COTM but with that front end i don't feel she is worthy this month but its great to see her entered Thanks Mate Have placed my vote and for me there was only one car i was going to vote for this month when i saw it in the list of entries I bet you know who you are (and its not who you may think i would vote for) Your car is off the scale and features in my desktop gallery lol only just noticed this thought you was a bit too thankfull for me voting for yours hah
  13. YEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSS!!!!! had a root on euros website and managed to find this love it when things go right for a change
  14. sorry i just cant bring myself to vote for someone who entered their own car, so for your dedication to civic5 mr brown it is
  15. trim looks spot on mate stick the carbon im colour coding mine too
  16. just had a search about and damn you was fast, was just about to post this link if anyone ended up here looking for mgzs arb not fitting properly viewtopic.php?f=56&t=10828&p=129542&hilit=mgzs+droplink+bolts#p129542 will have to nip out for some washers again tomorrow, practically finished the back end of my car now ARB attached just nedds bolting up at the drop links, mgzs struts a fitted trailing arm and trailing arm bush fitted on drivers side, so only really one set of pads and one trailing arm bush to fit on the rear then on to the front also out of curiosity are the suspension struts sided?
  17. lol no worries had a bad day today :/ also my ARB dosnt seem to fit too well the cut out in the LCA makes me think the bush isnt gunna sit right also still needing a HB cable if anyone can post me one cause tey feel sorry for me
  18. pfft, THE best way to increase post count is to follow me round the forum and agree with everything I say Or disagree with everything you say, much more potential. lol had a search about on my phone but no look will look in more detail tonight but can say that they look similar lol and only 20 new compared to hondas 35 thanks the finish is pants really couldnt do brushing but it'll keep the rust away hopefully have everything sorted and fitted tomorrow including a deep clean inside not doen it since i quit smoking seems to stay clean longer
  19. Haha that's one way to do it Nahh I'll get there eventually picked up a trailing arm before guy wanted 20 pound for one section of handbrake cable though so now I need a Handbrake cable and I am wondering if the mgzs one fits as I can just got pick that one up from the scrappeR
  20. best way to increase post count? hmmm... i know ill just update every time i fasten a bolt up shhh.. dont telll the boss! lol well Euro Car parts ltd are the worst ordered parts on the 12th and im expecting to receive them tomorrow or wed :S okay so what about my MOT caus thats up on wed too? i hate euro so so much and here is my improve droplink bush fitting tool and polybushed droplinks?
  21. sucks big time! ive been sat in my car on my dinner before now old lady walks up swings door open into my car not seeing me until i beeped, i swear if i never had my uniform on that coffin dodger would have got a real piece of my mind that day.
  22. try working at a super market i have new dents and scratches weekly :/
  23. Haha lol I don't have the patience to Coleen my car proply plus I notice scratches and sent I wouldn't have noticed otherwise lol, thanks for the info man will pick some bolts up Monday before I start also nothing worse than having your car in bits an needing to nip off for a nut an bolt, thanks for the info pal
  24. Hey man I've asked elsewhere but I just got a mgzs ARB I'm told I need nuts and bolt or rather "I read" I need nuts and bolt to secure the links to the lower arm and they have to be anything special or will a nut a boot that fit do the job? Car looks mint btw you fancy giving mine a clean somtime
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