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Everything posted by civic-catch

  1. thanks for the quick reply just wanted to know roughly what they idle at on cold start as i dont know what is high and what isnt lol ! mite clean my iacv and fast idle valve to to make sure they are clean
  2. what should the rpm be at on cold/fast idle on 1.4 civic?
  3. wouldnt worry bout it going to half way as my mates civic sits at half all of the time and his car is sweet. dont fix aint broke lol famous quote
  4. thermostats on our mb2`s are left hand side of the block behind the distributor! follow bottom hose and it will bring you too the thermostat housing 2 10 mm bolts takes the housing apart and voila behold the thermostat staring at you hope this helps
  5. this is from another forum mods if breaking any rules please delete! this might help a bit http://honda-tech.com/showthread.php?t=2945567 or this http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070403082403AAjGNbH
  6. as far as im aware most honda`s are interference engines (dont quote me on it) but pretty sure as i was looking this up a while ago myself. i got skf timing belt kit from ebay for bout £83 which was pretty good compared to motor factor prices and havent had any trouble from the kit so far.
  7. yeah saved myself £500 going by the quotes i got ! just hope it stays fixed lol
  8. yeah got the head skimmed the place that done it said it wasnt too bad and didnt need much taken off had to get the car towed to my mechanic as we couldnt get the crank pulley bolt off ! im pleased with the results from doing it would definately do it again this time will take less time as i know what to do and what not to do. and didnt bother painting rocker cover was more concerned getting the work done and back together lol
  9. long story short was getting oil in my coolant and was like that for a while so me and my mate bit the bullet and stripped the engine down to do the head gasket. (1st time aand took longer as a result of this) so here are some pics start to finish couldnt get loads ! tools used were 19 or 20 mil sockets and extendable magnet to get any lost keepers that fell. blunt wallpaper scraper and green scouring pads (5 pk) as recommended by a friends dad as he used to work for metal craft and that combination was legendary as it worked really well for cleaning the block up and getting it smooth, ps make sure you plug all holes if doing this method as the scouring pads leave bit of a mess i even put kitchen roll in the coolant passage that runs round the piston liners just to make sure most of it never got in there. hope you enjoyed reading this, and another thing make sure you can get the crank pulley bolt loose before even starting this if your replacing belts etc made the mistake of thinking getting the crank pulley bolt was gnna come silently ended up having to tow the car to my mechanic to do the timing just a heads up. bottom pics show how clean the block has to be aswell. hope this helps someone. thanks for looking.
  10. think they from a rover 200/214 from what i can remember lol ! i have lost interest in the alloys and thinking bout changing them! dont know what to yet but as funds are tight atm unfortunately.
  11. yeah i love it quiet while idling then pretty loud when accelerating lol nice rasp especially from stand still if i have been sitting for a min idling
  12. i would of preferred all four but the fella only had the 2 unfortunately
  14. small update dechromed the grill and got front wind deflectors. have a vti lip there but no pics till its painted unfortunately. also changed exhaust for 3rd time and reckon im going to stick with this one lol ! and also an interior shot with vti-s seats.
  15. cheers for replies but think i have found why its making that sort of noise i have a seized caliper slide pin lol so will get it unseized and see if that helps me lol !
  16. would mb3 shafts and hubs fit my mb2? have a wheel bearing away and im getting the shafts and hubs for good price. just dont know if they differ with engine size! any help would be appreciated.
  17. that too put in words is f**king amazing such an inspiration to mbs! race you in my mb2 :P hahahahahahaha o.j o.j
  18. i ended up getting a gt extreme backbox and got the centre section taken out so its cat back really good sound and would recommend gt extreme to everyone hard to get a hold of but lol
  19. credit too you for the time and effort put in to get your car like that. has to be the most stunning example of an mb i have ever seen. very well done. i kneel before you
  20. what exhaust is that you have on the car? been looking one for my mb2 lol
  21. hit the the nail on the head there vtec 2011 im just hoping after xmas some springs and other stuff goes on sale then roll on the mods takes time and effort but all makes it worth it once you have it done to your taste. GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT
  22. it takes you to try these things and learn from your mistakes lol . havent checked the sills yet under the plastic skirt lol . i really dont want to either just incase they are bad lol will put a dampner on things for me lol
  23. recently flushed the cooling system now the fan comes on constantly when i start the car and the bottom rad hose that goes to the t-stat housing doesnt get warm till i have been driving for a wile. can anyone help with this? thanks danny
  24. it has slight surface rust on the drivers wing i think but nothing bad. mum getting my timing belt kit and water pump for me over the wkend or the start of next week so should have that done asap just for my own peice of mind lol ! vectra wheels are slightly off from the centre bore like to be precise 0.4 of a mil difference which means i cant get spiggot rings as they dont do them for that slight difference. fella said it shouldnt really make a difference cause is such a slight difference. cant wait to start getting the ball rolling with this.
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