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  1. Wow ! Just how I want my deck to look like very impressed out of interest who did you use to band your wheels and were you happy with them? As I have a set that need banded and was after some advice
  2. Cheers delasoul very informative and interesting never thought of a h22 conversion Has anyone done a h22 conversion on this forum ? Looked a bit deeper into a h22 conversion but can only seem to find a gearbox adapter plates from the states. Unless anyone knows of uk suppliers or more info on this conversion ? Cheers mb2 everyone's input is appreciated Know there is more ideas floating about my head
  3. Thanks for the replys So basically a k20 would fit but power per buck would be best to stick a turbo on the b18 however this leads me to my next question . As the car has done 110'000 miles leads me to think it would be best to give the engine a freshen up before boosting it or has anyone on here had joy boosting a higher mileaged b18 This is how the k20 conversion popped into my head as after refreshing the b18 money wise could flog on the complete b18 and gearbox and buy a lower mileaged k20 . I know there would be alot more work and extras but I like to be different Could anyone confirm what mount would need custom made and as to what is diffrent to the eg ? Cheers once again Me and my crazy maybe even stupid ideas
  4. Hi I am proud to say I have just purchased my first aerodeck which is the 1.8vti mc2 model although it is nippy enough I can't leave it alone. I have been looking into a turbo conversion on the b18 and after more thought a k20 conversion crossed my mind was wondering if anyone has come across a k20 converted aerodeck or if it is even possible ? Also am I correct in thinking that a mc2 aerodeck is based on the EG civic suspension/subframe so correct me if I am wrong would a k20 conversion mounts for the EG work ? Any thoughts and ideas appreciated Cheers
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