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Everything posted by peeg1000

  1. Hi This is my first post to the site, been watching the posts for a while. I have an intermittent problem on my 1997 Civic 1.6 ESI ( D16B SOHC!). During gear changes the engine sometimes revs excessively, ie at 30mph changing for 3rd to 4th it will rev to approx 4,000 RPM. It does it in all gear to different degree's. I don't think it's the clutch as I would expect it to rev higher when the clutch is engaged. I did lubricate the throttle cable about 2 months back and that seemed to work for a while, the the problem has come back over the past week or so. It's not all the time and seems to mainly happens from a cold start. I have read somewhere that there is a mechanism that revs the engine slightly between gear changes, to keep engine momentum, but I am not sure if this is a mechanical device or controlled by the ECU. Any thoughts or advise would be much appreciated. Thanks Paul
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