Lights where easy enough, just take them out, stick them in oven for 2-3 mins at around 180-190 and they should pull apart, a few screws to take the chrome surround out, give it a light sand with some high grit sand paper, panel wipe it, blast it with some rattle can paint, then put it back together same way but in reverse Bumper was alot more complicated and awkward, the rub strips where done by cutting along the groove in them till there was only 2-3 inches left and then I plastic welded them back in to that it was flush with the bumper surface, then cut up thin strips from an old mk4 golf rear bumper I had for welding rods. I don't have an actual plastic welded so i was using a blowtorch and an old carving style chisel my dad gave me ages ago. For the number plate recess i cut off the part that drops down over the radiator etc and welded it up level with the rest of the bumper line, i them filled the hole with large pieces of plastic from golf bumper, when i Had it all near enough level i filled it with body filler and sanded it smooth. I also smoothed out the fog light inserts the bracket and the part missing at the top but the bumper would not go on afterwards to i had to strip it out again *facepalm* Anyway if i was to do it again i would have cut out the whole numberplate recess and put a fresh piece in rather than filling it then I bought a litre of celly from halford, and had some filler primer from my bike build sitting around so I primed,painted and laquered it