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About lwal4152

  • Birthday 01/02/1992

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  • Location
    Tamworth UK

Car info

  • Civic Model

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Newbie (1/2)



  1. Confusing me a little bit now, checked my oil and it's gone pretty low even tho i only topped it up 2 days ago :S Beginning to think it may well be an engine leak or something now, just gonna have to wait to tomorrow & see if it's gonna cost me to much to sort it -.-
  2. I did say it would be a slow build & it really is, been working on the EK even tho i got let dowb at the weekend by someone so i drove it round the yard like a d**k & realised i missed it :/ So so sad lol but it has to go!! The only thing the MC2 has had is a new drivers side track end & the tracking done, then to find that there's what looks like a major leak coming out the steering rack Not what i was expecting but i'm taking the car to Honda Tamworth on friday afternoon so hopefully it should be summat small or nothing at all, got my fingers crossed !!!
  3. On tuesday my new insurance policy started, got a stupidly cheap quote (for me anyway) through Skyinsurance.co.uk they suprised me quite a lot with the quote of £74 a month, loads better than my £140 a month last year, i'd advise to try for quotes if people are after insurance
  4. Mehhhh that's poo if it don't, i've seen 2 on ebay one looks the same and the other looks different :S
  5. Definatly gonna get a cupholder, but i think it's gonna be more worth my while to just hit it straight away with coilovers tbh Anybody got any ideas to weather or not the EK rear ARB fits the MC2/MB6 cause i've got a freshly powdercoated one in my shed :/
  6. Cheers, much appreciated After speaking to a new starter at work on thursday, he mentioned him and a few friends are owners of a decent sized MG club, he himself has got 3 MG ZT V8's (very rare) an they just so happen to break MG's too, so i thought i'd ask the question, "Can you get me a rear ARB & a cup holder" He's gonna have a look for me and see what he can do I did also ask about suspension set up an he said they've just had an ZS180 in, gonna check with him tomorrow and see what he says Onto a winner
  7. I can't get on here properly on my phone it sucks, can only pist pictures online aswell :/
  8. It'd be like fly eye but instead you can just do it in gloss black, looks evil, i could do with de-chroming the front lights but i'm no good with stuff like that :/ I have no idea with this de-cat thing, it is a bit random if you ask me, but we now believe somewhere down the line there was some mods on the car as it came fitted with a spoon air filter which i removed recently
  9. The only thing i noticed was that there has been a de-cat pipe fitted well from what can be seen anyway Thinking about just getting my headlight wrapped in glossblack, it looks immense How do you do the rear light conversion ? I seen a few an wondered how easy or not it is ?
  10. Yes, the exhaust will be going verrrrrry soon, i have no cat so gotta be careful what i chose unless i try an find a cat an put one back on ? Please note i didn't mean 2012 i did actually mean 2014 !!!!! I'm living in the past
  11. Got to sort the scuff out on the left of the bumper, but I managed to get the rear chrome strip sprayed Matte Black, looks soooo much better now
  12. I never rush myself, got a few things to sort out money wise first, then i'll be busting out the overtime at work and i'm hoping by the time shows start to come round in 2012 i'll be sat with Chandler, looking pretty (that is the goal, lol)
  13. Just gonna see what happens from here, gonna be a slow progress BUT it won't / shouldn't be as much as what i'm making it out to be. • Colour code • Few scuffs to be sorted • Coilovers • Wheels • Engine bay clean up • Exhaust That's about me done for the time been tbh
  14. The only thing with my EK was that the insurance weren't the best, got this beast for a right bargain, happy with my £750 a year now, makes a difference to the £1500 a year a was paying :L Chandler, i really hope i can get mine close to looking like yours & ollie's but we will have to see i guess, but i'm hoping it'll go to plan, actually really looking forward to getting things rolling on this properly
  15. Just gonna sort a few little bits out, tracking & a few lil clips & stuff, had to visit Honda as half my drivers side drop link went walk about, £100 all in & got a health check done aswell, they were quite impressed how clean the car was, just a few scuffs & marks that need sorting bodywork wise
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