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Everything posted by Luís

  1. Thanks guys I didn't put it on the "how to" section for mistake but the next time i will put it there Thanks i did my best to do a good tutorial on the subject.
  2. Thanks mate The tail lights are new but the wheels are the same since i bought it but because i really like the wheels i'm gonna keep them The wheels blend in with the style of the car i love them.
  3. New updates on my MB1 Here is a pic of my new tail lights and a link on how to mount them http://civic5.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8029-how-to-replace-the-tail-lightspicture-heavy/#entry165230 And some pics of my wheels
  4. Hi Guys Today i replace my tail lights for the new ones that came in this week.In here i´m going to show you how to change yours 1-you have to unplug the battery because of the light on the trunk .2-Open the trunk. 3-Discover your new tail lights inside 4-Take out the floor carpet of the trunk. 5-Then you have to remove this pin that holds the side carpet. 6-Pull the pin with a screwdriver. 7-Remove the carpet on the bottom of the trunk. 8-Take it aside. 9-Remove those bulbs and connector out this way. 10-Then i noticed this that there is a cap in the way and i post it in the morning and i have to drill it. (here is the post link): http://civic5.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8021-help-with-a-tail-light-cap/#entry164969 11-Then you have to undo the 4 screws that holds the tail light in place. 12-Then you just have to pull from the outside and it comes out easily. 13- Then you just have to put in the new tail light and do the whole process on reverse. 14-Make the same process on the other side and the result will be something like this;) I hope you all enjoy the tutorial and leave a reply
  5. Thank you Krzys i was looking and that is it because my new tailligts came from the uk and that is the hole where the fog light gets in and the portuguese tail lights it´s on the other side that is why it has a cap on it and my other doesn´t have the cap.Now i´m going to drill it and later on i will post an how to guide on how to mount new tail lights
  6. Thank you krzys Yes but it only goes to the inside of the tail light, then how do i take it out?
  7. Hi guys. Today as i said i start to mount my new tail lights but in one of them i have this cap: I don´t know how to remove it does anyone know?It has a bit of plastic attached on the inside too.
  8. ahahah no it is the roof of the garage reflecting
  9. Thanks to the both of you. Tomorrow i will have a brake on work and i´m going to mount my new tail lights. I will upload the photos in here and some other pics of my MB For now i will have to wait, and see the ones that are in here And this one that i took yesterday: P.S: in the back you can see a little of my parents machine a Toyota Starlet From the late 80's.
  10. Yes i made a mistake i want to wright D16y2 is that my engine. But i have the info that is 125 bhp is that right ou 127bhp?
  11. Yes they are from an MB6 that came from scotland i think. But in portugal is very expensive to legalize it and the men that sell them to me is selling the car by pieces. It´s the sad true in portugal.
  12. Today this package came can you guys guess what is inside? It´s my new tail lights: Tomorrow i will mount them e make an "how to" topic on it and put in here the final result
  13. Hi guys. As i promisse in my new member topic here is my build thread. For those of you that don´t see my new member topic, i have a Honda Civic 1.6i sr Vtec. Here is some pictures: Front.: Rear:
  14. If there is anyone that has done this i will be very grateful if you post here the result and the steps you have to make to fit the new lip.I'm going to wait
  15. Hey guys Can anyone please tell me if this front lip: Fits my car? Thanks Guys
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