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Everything posted by lotharis

  1. Thanks guys for all your answers...my best bet would be to look for an mg zs 180 aftermarket one :/
  2. Hello i live in Slovakia so its pretty hard for me to find any MG ZS 180 rear anti roll bar....i was thinking about buying one aftermarket but wasnt able to find any...does even aftermarket rear ARB exist for mb6?
  3. lotharis


    I dont know if its imobilizer... Any suggestions guys
  4. lotharis


    Yes the light flashes...without immobilizer working the car wont start would it?
  5. lotharis


    Yep the car runs just fine but I am kinda worried missing a random wire
  6. lotharis


    Hello guys...yesterday while i was disconnecting my main relay to resolder I found that one of the relay boxes (located right under steering colum) was missing a wire...i was told that its an immobilizer? dont know....just wanted your opinion on this http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x465/thedarkest/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20151102_194603.jpg http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x465/thedarkest/Mobile%20Uploads/IMG_20151102_194618.jpg
  7. Hey guys I was thinking about swaping my S9B LSD gearbox with a Y21 for shorter gears as my 1,8 vti has too long 2nd and 3rd gear...is it possible that i just swap 2nd and 3rd gear from Y21 into my S9B? I dont want to loose LSD but i dont want to screw up my box either
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