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obd2b p28 ecu into my d15z8


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hi heard rumours that if the obd2b p28 ecu where fitted to my mb3 they would disengage the eco part of my car and this would no longer run as the eco vtec but just a normal vtec

is this posible and if so how do i do it and what would i need ?

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The p28 fit in the mb6 's for sure , as long as the wiring plugs are the same for your model then yes it will fit , but the ecu will cost you around £50-£100 then you need to get it socketed and chipped with something like chrome that will cost you another £100 , then you need to have the ecu/car mapped on a dyno and for that you will be looking for £300-£500 depending where you go . Its just up to you if you think its worth all that money .


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hi i have been in touch with some one who has been chiping and tuning ecu,s for over 15 years and he reckons he can do everything to the ecu including a base map to suit my car that includes chipped and socketed with the wiring harness for my car 200 pounds plus my postage is this a good deal and will my car benifet from it

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its worth it but you will still have to get it mapped, because at the end of the day how can you map a car you have never seen . mapping should only ever be done on a rolling road or at a push on the road , its the only and best way to do things . At £200 all he is going to be sending you a ecu with chip which is about the money i said for the part of the process the big money comes when you get the car mapped .Rich.

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