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rear rattle, disappears when braking


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ive got a very loud rattle on the back passenger side of the car. its not a suspension component as its not a heavy clunk - its more of something a bit loose. ive just replaced the upper arm and the ARB drop link and its not sorted it.

The wheel doesnt move when jiggled as per an MOT, but im thinking its something to do with the caliper as it doesnt happen when braking. Its so loud from outside the car its getting a bit embarassing. If i take the handbrake off and get hold of the caliper through the alloy it doesnt move, the rattle shim is in place for the pads and all of my pads and disk are pretty new.

Its not the heatsheld. Has anyone got any ideas? I think im just going to take the wheel off later and just whack everything with a rubber mallet to see where its coming from..

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