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dj jordy b

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Everything posted by dj jordy b

  1. Hey there was wondering if anyone has had any problems with the mb6 ignition barrels? This morning i went to start my civic and when i turned the key so as the dash lights should come on they just remained out, turned the key a little bit between position 2 (dash lights on) and position 3 (starter motor) and dash lights up but once i start car and release key the car dies out and once again dash lights go out??? Faulty ignition barrel perhaps? Car does remain going if once started the key is held a little bit further past position 2 but once you let go of key dies again. Cheers Ryan
  2. 1.b18beans - east coast - t***bvp 2.chrisvtis - somerset - W***YOC 3.civicturbo79 - Midlands - V***HJU 4.M4rkvti-s - Cumbria - R***NCK 5. JAL - Midlands - R** WCK 6. Mark (Del) - Aberdeenshire - R*** NVN (private reg: M** DLN)(written off today) 7.afie124 - barrow - cumbria V***MPX 8.cluggo - c**ggo 9. timvti-s - Kent - V***FHO 10. uzy - glenrothes -r***jsx 11.nasirak47-west yorkshire- V***LWY 12.niterider692002-midlands- R***POH 13.aerdeckvtis2000- W***PDU 14. megamitzmb6 - X*** BLB 15.fred74-N.Ireland.LEZ**** 16. rwheeler - Southampton - R***HUD (private reg: R**HCH)rwheeler 17. westcoastcivic - cumbria - V***GHS 18. VTI-S - West Midlands - R***EDX (5-door Hatch) 19. Aoifevti - Dublin, Ireland - R***LFM, on Irish plates now though! 20. Wizza - Bedfordshire/Hertfordshire - V***CPA 21. Ross - Midlands V***GAO 22. HONDA-CIVIC-VTIS - Northern Ireland TBZ ***0 23. SteveMB6 - Honda Civic VTI-S - Northern Ireland W*** YOC 24. Nav - Honda Civic VTI-S - Bristol, UK, V***MWT 25. stone119 - V1## FPN - Bristol 26. jonnyricer - east sussex - v*** FVN 27. HotRod_07 - South Shields - R*** ANC 28. MBSIX - North East, England [V--- ODM] 29.Disco - w***nlf (Angus) 30.NoVa - BHAM - T*** LPV 31.Dan - Newcastle - R***ORX 32. Rad1 - Portsmouth - R***HSX 33.lly1982 - Kent - R*** EBA - B18 Turbo Owned by my mate Ahsan now. 34. chris - west midlands - v***dtf 35.Moe, North West - M** MHK 36. got boost - blackwood, south wales - t*** *rh 37. Civboy - Essex R***VTF 38. mb6_ingram - Cambridgeshire V715 *** Not sure if its a private plate but looks good. 39. muhib899 - East London - B18C4 T***CSH 40.leaper1989 - st ives, cambridgeshire - v***MPX 41. zedmb6 - east midlands - T*** KWE 42.davieo_04 - N.I - R***TGM - 43. Bri - Meath, Ireland - 98***933, Ireland Reg, can rember UK Reg, but can get it 44.v*** MJN- bradvtis- leicester 45.simpo-Taunton(southwest)-EHZ***8 46.Spadooky - East Sussex - T** *NJ - Pics to follow when it stops raining! 47.4184mb - West Sussex - T*** UUP 48.RICHARD36,cumbria- T145COJ 49.jaytec ADD YOUR REG AND LOCATION HERE PLEASE 50.hammie-mid calder-scotland V*** DTF 51. Shaddow - Portsmouth - R*** NJU 52. jeff-vtec-belfast -R***RLA 53. NEO - Birmingham - W***YOC - Puple dash, prev owned by "chrisvtis" no2 on the list 54. Sean_GT - Teesside - Enter your reg here Sean! 55. azim - Leicester - V*** LUK 56. s11aba - birmingham - V***GTE 57. s11aba - birmingham - V***GTA 58. Gruff - West Wales - R*** SVM 59. James - Limerick - Ireland - t***rtv 60. everyextra - Bucks - V***AFW 61. AdeeL - Glasgow W * * *RDS 62. BeastGTiR - Birmingham - T*** CSB 63. civiclee-portsmouth-R***WKW 64. Phil mb6-Cumbria-V***HOO-56k-fsh 65. Ryan.. - Wiltshire 66. Barking vtec-Birmingham W*** ONP 67. Shaf7886 - North Wales - V*** FHG 68. Spiderug400 - Dudley, West Midlands - R41K*R 69. VTISmichael - Oxfordshire - V** ERDVTISmichael 70. beaniexx - cheltenham- R8**JDM 71. spudcivic - midlands - V1** NGY 72. edwardm - West Midlands 'WS5' - T *** CSB (not to be confused wih 'BEASTGTiR' that has similar reg) 73. shamz - London, T***DVV 74. LongdoggerVti-S - middlesbrough - W197 OC* 75. R3H4N - Birmingham - R**KGO 76. pcdee - Kent - R*** SVM 77. rf9193-Kent-V*** FV* Civic VTI-S 5 Door 78. Ralston - Sussex V*** EGP 79. Luqman - Midlands - T*** ONT 80. VTEC IS COOL R**WLY SOMERSET POWER IS NOT EVERYTHING BUT YOU NO ..YOU WANT IT............. 81. Funkytrickstar - North London - T***KWE 82. Buckley353 - Rhyl (North Wales) - T*** NLF 83.CollyN-Dublin ireland. ACZ 7980 Now on 99-D reg. 84. VTIS Hugo - West Sussex - V*** WNV 85.trem3412 buckinghamshire w***tl 86. b18yubby - sc**thorpe - s *** mjo 87. djjordyb - tyrone NI - PLZ99**
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