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Everything posted by NIKH25

  1. They are a PITA, the rears. Hopefully the passenger side won't give you as much grief. As Krzys says, it's best to leave them parked without the handbrake on especially for any length of time, I always avoid using mine when I can.
  2. Yes wet sand. G3 is a good one for post paint.
  3. Not sure about any cars with black visors. You could paint them with some plastidip spray.
  4. Rub them down gently with some wet 2000 or 2500 grit then put another light coat on if you need it. If the runs aren't too bad they may polish out with a good compounding polish.
  5. Wheels look nice mate, I didn't think I'd like them but I do.
  6. They look a bit like the ZS ones.
  7. Shame about the wheels, polish them up again, then chuck a coat of lacquer over them and a good layer of wax and that should help protect them. Or just sell them I guess.
  8. That looks better, can't wait to see the wheels on.
  9. Welcome back bud, what happened to your last one? This one looks nice, I like the smoothed bumper, coilover sleeves hmm. I'm not a massive fan of the DC2 rims but they look a million times better than the green ones.
  10. He's busy playing with the V8 Coooorr Tina.
  11. Little arms are a perfect fit. Just do it, those fans need no repairs so just a rub down and paint. You're not in a rush to get them back on so take your time have a look at some vids online and you'll be fine.
  12. Always good to make an impression.
  13. It's always good to know a bit of your car's history, nice to know it was looked after. It's the way he walks.
  14. What the heck did you do to that tyre??
  15. 3% inaccuracy apparently, doesn't worry me and I know plenty of others have 50's on too.
  16. NIKH25

    Rover MBv6?

    Lovely EF mate. MG's looking good with the new lows, is it the V6 or the 120?
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