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Everything posted by artuan00

  1. I think the door handles are chrome actually (Can't remember haha) I'm thinking of selling her already. It wasn't really the shape I wanted so meh. lol
  2. I was unaware the b18c4 was the standard vti/s engine haha. I was also thinking of a mini-me or something. Not sure on the z4 lump though. Got the tyres sorted yesterday and the splitter on, pic in dark though
  3. No probs Fyfie, your car looks awesome Before the new year; Tow strap Splitter/Lip 1 New Tyre Possibly Lowered. For after the new year (my bday is mid jan ) I'm enquiring into a b18c4 conversion
  4. So here is the project/progress thread I said I'd start. This is my old run around which is now sat on the drive feeling sorry for itself New car is a 2001 Civic Sport MB2 Good bits: Cost me £350 (6 months MOT and 2 months tax) 86k Miles Gun Metal Grey Standard Alloys (Needs 1 new tyre, has spare on ) Doesn't appear to be any rust at all so far (fingers crossed) Bad bits: Driver's Door leaks from the window sill at the bottom. Possibly just replace? Ignition barrel is... foobar'd. Sometimes the brakes/suspension squeek when turning right only? Not a bearing noise though so not sure on this. Its way too high Already have an MB6 lip to go on the front, along with a TRS tow strap. Will be keeping the lip dark blue for the minute as I like the way it looked on fyfie5's car. Pics to come tomorrow when the lip gets fitted
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