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Posts posted by mae-civic

  1. so.... :(


    i won't have my final drive soon...i ordered my final drive for D series, and i get a B series.

    i wasn't worry, 'coz there was a B series label on the box, and near this one, there was a D Series label ...it's an error from the shop 


    so it's final drive for integra, it's not the same size :(

    and of course, now the part is inavaible.....


    i'm a f**king unlucky person !! only troubles this year !



  2. Very nice Mae! :D


    Cannot wait to see the new wheels  ecstatic.gif1

    thanky you :)

    me also...since the time i'v been waiting^^


    Lovely example of a very clean M! The wheels will look so sweet once fitted! :)

    Am thinking of looking into my gear ratio's at some point, need to do my research first though lol



    i'll put a 4.9 ;) from Mfactory

    i hope fit the gearbox next week



    and have you ever see my glass block with my mb1


    :) https://www.facebook.com/112883082194176/photos/pcb.455236077958873/455235801292234/?type=1&theater


    damn i can't stop loving them ecstatic.gif1  ecstatic.gif1 !!!

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  3. i don't know exactly when i can buy them (i have to pay the gear box first ^^ but if i have enough money, i will buy wheels when i will pay my gearbox, and tyres next one or two month after)


    don't worry, you will see first ! i want to know what you think when she will get her new wheels :D

    sorry for my english :s

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