That time of year again... And whilst I love this weather, my Aerodeck is like a greenhouse. The aircon has never worked since I bought the car 3 years ago. It lights up, it blows (on settings 2,3 and 4 )....and it blows warm I'm of the understanding that generally speaking, if it is not used, the seals will perish over time, and re-gassing will be pointless? What I'm hoping is that you will tell me no, no...Civics are imperishable. In millions of years time they will be the only remaining evidence of our civilisation. Of course the aircon will work. I'm guessing I'm being a bit optimistic though. Worst case scenario, is there an easy, and almost guaranteed, fix? Obviously I don't want to waste money gassing it, if it's just going to leak back out into the ozone. If it's not easy, or I'm likely to throw money away, then I can't be bothered to be honest. Would just be nice to have.