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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, I hope you guys can help me. So I'm the proud owner of a 97 Civic MB3 the previous owner said the car had an alarm but it become faulty. I was like yeah no problem I've installed a few of this before and I had some training in car electronic so I'll just get the old alarm off and install a new one. The alarm was indeed broken so I decided to remove all the old wiring and when I was just finishing (only the door locks were missing) I've noticed a terrible problem... On the main door lock actuator as you can see on the image I have the usual 5 wires taking in consideration that my car is "negative trigger" all I had to do was connect the yellow and black yellow alarm cables to the ground, ignore the orange ones and connect the white and black white to the lock/unlock cables I've identified in the image i did with 4 and 5: By the way the A are connectors and 1,2 and 3 the remaining cables (other locks etc) and central locking works fine with key. After connecting all the wires nothing worked, so I tried connecting the whites to another actuator and it worked on the remaining door so the problem had to be either on cable 4 or 5 or on the door actuator so i decided to follow the wires 4 and 5 from the door to the inside (they are not original colored cables) and I noticed that they just ended on the inside of the car thats why the old alarm wasn't opening the doors... some genious messed up... Where should this cables connect on oem installation? Colors should be enough but if I can get some circuit diagrams or photos I would be really really happy Thanks and sorry for the bad grammar (I'm Portuguese btw).
  2. Guest

    Key blade code

    Hi all, long time forum browser, just joined as a member and my first post! Looking at getting after market central locking with a built in key blade. I know I'll have to get the transponder out of the original key - does anyone know if this is difficult / easy / impossible? Secondly all my three keys (2 black and 1 red) don't have a code, I've searched this forum and the internets and have found no answer bit it looks like the hon66 blade, can anyone confirm? If I can't get an answer I'll go for the hawk system which has good reviews on here. Thanks all in advance!
  3. Hi I purchased a Hawk alarm system with remote locking to install to my mb2 that came without remote locking. Ive done various interwebs searches but not found much other then people giving up. I had a quick search on here too but didn't find much. I have a haynes manual with diagrams and I requested model specific instructions from hawk but that just consists of "on 5 door models configure for motor interrupt". Wich means the unit will act as a relay and power the motors reversibly. I just whipped the door panel off to have a play with the loom but when I introduce a live and earth to the motor wires nothing happens? Just thought id see if anyone else has been successful with this type of kit before I start hacking away thanks. Regards, Leigh
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