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Bad gear box rattle while cold this morning


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It was freezing outside this morning and when I started up the car the engine bay sounded like a bag of spanners in a washing machine. Popped the hood quick, revved the engine and confirmed the noise was coming from the gear box area not the bottom of the engine ;) Shut the car down, its was only on for like 20 seconds.

I didnt know what to do so topped up the oil in the engine and left it 5minutes...... closed my eyes, crossed my fingers and started her up, the gear box rattle had gone and the car drives fine, no strange noises or behaviour.

The clutch doesnt slip, it just gets stuck occasionally, 112000 miles on it though, lol :?

What do you reckon the rattle could be, the gearbox about to be FUBAR or just time for a new clutch/flywheel? Or something else I havent thought of.

I've never heard a dieing clutch sound like that though, normally they just stop engaging or you get stuck in a gear.

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