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clutch options


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Hi everyone,

i am due to change the clutch on my MC2 shortly, but dont really know what to go for....i work in the trade so can get hold of standard oe spec stuff quite easily from about £80 - £120 (valeo). i was just after opinions from people on what clutch they use, where they got it from and how much you paid? the car will be pretty much standard as its my missus daily driver.

cheers guys for your input


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intresting been doin this also along the same lines £100-130 for patern ect think i would go for oem exceedy £150 kit min, for the sake of £20 ;) search discounts ect ,aftermarket race stuff =stiff ..for the wife ect oem better ;)

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i thought about the F1 clutch kit that tegiwa do, the stage 1 kit, they do a discount code which gets a bit of cash off, but the delivery goes on top, whereas the stuff i can get from motor factors is obviously free delivery! i cant decide as i dont want to put some rubbish on when for the extra little bit get something decent...altho valeo arent a rubbish make

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