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Need some anti-freeze / coolant advice please.


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I i'm going to drain, flush and refill the coolant in my MB6. But before i do i'd like to know if once i've flushed the system through can i refill it with pink coolant? I know pink and blue coolant can't be mixed and there is blue coolant in the system at the moment but i have 5 liters of pink in my garage! Also i'm hopefully going to go to Brands for a few track days this year so would it be advisable to refill the system with neat coolant?

All advice greatly appreciated!!!

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do not use neat anti freeze its not ment to be used that way and it will not cool the engine down

if you want too help the cooling use water wetter that is what its ment for ( it lowers the cooling properties of the water in the rad ) but you prob will not need it mine did not get that warm when its been on track

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thats why get the honda stuff its allready mixed

+ use deionized water if mixing yourself get it in tesco > normal water can rust engine inners

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