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ignition switch


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Can someone post me a pic of a mb6 ignition switch.

Mine had been changed to a mb3 one but it's faulty.

A chap has a mb6 one but this has two plugs instead othanksso where does the other plug go as I can only see a yellow plug which I presumed was air bag

Many thabjs

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Taken when I changed out the faulty ignition switch in mine.  I made the mistake of ordering the switch for the Automatic and although it plugged in it wouldn't start the car but a quick switch over of the wires in the plug solved that.  When you say your new one is faulty - are they wired up the same?  Take a look at the last picture as for me the plugs where the same but the wires went to different pins.




Smaller wires are for the illumination LED (from memory)



Differences between auto and manual plug



Not got any more pics but hope they help

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