Hi im new to the forum proud owner of a red MB3 vtec-e from Sweden slmost rust free execpt key hole for the trunk.
i was a owner of the same car for a few years back and i remember that there is an econo light that is green for better gas consumption.
in my civic now the green light never appeara during drive. Only when i start up the car when all the dash lights light up and goes away.
im suspecting my vtec isnt working properly ( no CEL ) i tried to rev the car out and i feel an ” light omph ” with vtec. But whats bothering me is my gas mileage sucks cuz the green light isnt working properly.
i tried ohm testing the vtec. I unplugged the cable used the cable from the solenoid and ground it to body of vtec same as car metal but no readings there. I might do it wrong but i need help to test it properly and what the testing acutally means.