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About Nabil83

  • Birthday 10/15/1983

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Newbie (1/2)



  1. ok guys I'll ask him Japandrift veux tu reformuler la question stp car les gars du forum on du mal a te comprendre oubien envois moi un message en pv et je traduirai pour toi merci !
  2. thanks jay it's day's job but well worth it
  3. cheers Mark just make sure not to try and race me it might be cool but slow as F***** true true I need a banner lol
  4. hi Raz everything is still very standard, I haven't done any other changes due to finances
  5. Love the wheels I'm on the hunt for the Honda badges now
  6. that's was one of my thoughts, " what will I get next ?" especially when u know ur car has noting wrong with it, he did not have a happy face but hey Ive made him a cup of tea to cheer him up !
  7. well I have made myself look like a total kn00b today, advertised the car for sale 3 days ago, a buyer turned up after trvelling 75 miles, and was paying the full price I've asked (1 grand), everything went well drive test, as soon as he handed me the cash, have acted like an arsh00L and gave him the cash back and changed my mind, I love my civic so much and couldn't stand see her go like that, has it happened to any of the members ??
  8. I haven't seen any personally but I'd try ebay I'm sure you'll find a cd player with a similar display
  9. had mine fitted £45 in my local garage ( not worth getting under the car to save a tenner)
  10. get the thermostat from eurocarparts, I haven't got any manual I'm afraid, but maybe someone on the forum will post one for you, I'd go on youtube and watch a couple of videos how its done, makes things simpler for u mate, i reckon it's a 20 to 30 mins job !
  11. Heat is nothing to do with the blowers, but yes that's a common fault. Buy one of these and in 15mins all speeds again. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MG-ROVER-200- ... 503wt_1185 it looks like there r 2 things to replace then
  12. thermostat deffo mate ! cheap to buy and easy to replace
  13. just do what I did mate low tech solution pierce the oil filter with a screw driver and turn it'll come off easy !
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