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Everything posted by JORDEN_MB6

  1. by shims you mean the thin sheets of metal that the pad sits into because if that's the case my front sliders still have them in... may be knackered but ill try that soon enough, as long as its nothing major that's the problem thanks philgor slightly less weight off my shoulders now knowing it could be something easier to fix p.s it slightly happens applying brakes in forward gears but its hardly noticable, but reverse omg its loud loool
  2. how much are you after as my money situation isn't entirely manageable
  3. ahhh I see well any zs will do then? im currently waiting for the parts to be taken off the cargo be sent to me for 95 pounds so hoping there in good condition
  4. right I see is the mk2 just newer and probably less battered lol I'm looking into the hatch set up for 90 ish pounds what year does the 180 turn into a mk2?
  5. I want the 30 mm drop but also the stiffer ride but comfy when needed I've heard all te talk about the 180 suspension and I'm on a tight budget no more than 100 pounds :/ so is there a difference in mk1 and mk2 zs 180 set ups?
  6. amen to that you can be low as hell but soft as they can be but.. the lower you go the stiffer you'll want to go as the bump and rebound don't want to be soft enough to damage the underside I learnt this on my eg
  7. well it shouldn't be anything on the outer edge as only weeks ago I changed both outer gators and NSF cv joint as there was a hairline fracture, sounds more central to me tho either inner cv wear or diff problems :/ just can't work it out
  8. well it shouldn't be anything on the outer edge as only weeks ago I changed both outer gators and NSF cv joint as there was a hairline fracture, sounds more central to me tho either inner cv wear or diff problems :/ just can't work it out
  9. more mg zs talk here he he, just a quicke would the mg zs 180 saloon suspension be exactly the same as the hatchback suspension as trying to acquire some for the drop ( also my front shocks are not leaking slowly ) and don't want to make the wrong purchase can anyone help thanks
  10. hmmm it may be that but it seems like a metalic kind of noise, ill give the car a once over when i get new tyres and stuff, this month has been rather expensive tho ha ha 2 sets of brakes tyres springs and a cambelt n waterpump including full service
  11. hmmm it may be that but it seems like a metalic kind of noise, ill give the car a once over when i get new tyres and stuff, this month has been rather expensive tho ha ha 2 sets of brakes tyres springs and a cambelt n waterpump including full service
  12. naa no clonkin on full lock, as i recently changed my cv joints as one had a hairline crack in it dont know how lol, reverse is actually quite a good gear to change into no knocks or nothing, first is 50/50 but everyother gear is alright, think my linkage is near enough dead though, but could be the inner cv joints, just am slightly confused as never ever had this noise before on any of my cars
  13. as my car is in reverse and i apply the brakes i always here a clonk coming from what appears to me as the front end of the car, i do not know what to think it is, my my old college tutor says its the first sign of the driveshafts starting to fail, is this true can anyone help?
  14. erm shims, my previous set didnt have any and my current set do no have a set of shims in, do i need some as the whole set did not come with any shims. also where can you get these skimmed and how much was it to do the skimming?
  15. hi, my old brakes on my mb6 were warped and vibrating the car terribly, but couldnt find any noticeable change in disc warpage, i recently purchased a set of drilled and grooved discs all aqround and run them in properly, for 400 miles with hardly any pedal pressure and they were fine but now the problem has come back as vibrations and constant squealing of the front discs, would it be another set of warped discs or is there any other problem that would cause this i am quite upset as these were £200 brakes and i cant see any disc marks or anything but there vibrating, could anyone help please! thanks
  16. thats what i thought but depending on how long they've been on the car they could be stuck on and new top mounts could be expensive lol :S
  17. ive just purchased some zs 180 suspension and there are no rubber parts on the top, i dont know wheither the mb/zs has these or i need to purchase them :S
  18. ive always run mine at 31 front 30 rear and even that is showing signs of tyre wear due to over inflation so beats me mate
  19. agreed ive never had a wheel nut seize, copper grease is fine just dont over do it otherwise eventually they will come loose under load. torque wrench is a very good buy because it applies to every important nut on the car, how ever what ive always done when not in possession of a torque wrench is do up hand tight until it starts to bite, then 1/4 to 1/3 of a turn and thats roughly about 80-90nm, which if im right in saying is most torque settings for most wheel nuts
  20. gee thanks ill have to get them when i get some more money as currently sitting in overdraft, because bills and stupid bankers somewhere in the country lol but big help i might get them asap thanks for the help guys
  21. yeah i know i wont buy anything else unless i intend to smash it to peices
  22. see i have tried this but i cant seem to find any on ebay or any of my usual spots for used stuff, ill keep looking but is it a direct bolt on with no extras?
  23. right heres the situation currently my mb6 sits standard, and i mean completely factory, most of my time and money goes into the eg project but i want to lower her around 40mm before putting her on different wheels, standard cars are boring . what i was thinking of was just some springs but ive heard mixed opinions on what springs to use, someone told me use ek springs but it gives a ruined rear rake angel, someone says dc2 springs but i wasn't sure, can anyone give me some advice on what to use as i cannot find 40mm springs anywhere apart from 30mm springs from places, and obvs don't want coilovers unless there 2nd hand and rather cheapo any suggestions? please
  24. mine - p reg 122k runs sweet as friend 1 - r 157k still sweet friend 2 - r 146k ish still also sweet my uncles areodeck was 257k on everything orginal before he sold it, not even a waft of smoke or a clonk
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