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  • Age group
    26-30...not so youngster!
  • Location
    west Midlands

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  1. Awesome! I miss mine so much, but too much Rot I've been offered a cb7 accord on an f reg for £450 and I'm tempted, but civic is more fun!
  2. http://s1020.photobucket.com/user/duckdown_hoodrat/media/Mobile%20Uploads/03727E95-784E-4F0C-B341-8AE091C1322D_zpsq7ho8vil.mp4.html I did a noise, let me know if that works. Took it out for a long drive to get fuel last night. Bloody love this thing but I realise that maybe the "no f**ks given" approach to appearance is wearing thin, the tattyness is grating on me a bit, so got some stuff planned
  3. Cheers buddy! Haha, well now 7 weeks in I'm inclined to agree, we have often put the Hoover on next to him to send him to sleep. I can see civic staying. For what I'd get for it cash wise there is nothing I'd want to replace it with
  4. Haha I know, not ideal! However you see all the scrape marks at the top of the drive? They're from my totally stock Mazda 3. Drive is savage, civic wouldn't stand a chance
  5. Bonjour! Been a while, lots of life stuff going on and I hate to say that the civic has been neglected a bit. After the exhaust rotted in half, it had remained parked up, until last night! Thanks to an absolutely awesome member on here - JK1245 (not sure how to tag) I managed to get a total stainless cat back system for absolutely free! Just had to collect from Manchester. I picked it up on Wednesday and was shocked at the condition, mint! The system appears to be J Perfornance and has a small straight through centre silencer and a huge 5" tip rear jap can, perfick! So after purchasing some bits, exhaust paste, grinding discs, new safe axle stands (mine looked like they'd been under sea water for about 11 years) my friend Steve came over and we got to work. Now I knew the straight through that was on it was a total mess and a bodge and I also knew I would need to make up a decat. To do so Steve lopped the old cup off, sleeved it with a section of 2 inch and welded it back to the stainless. Working in the street unfortunately! Welding in the street! Sorry neighbours The rest of the system bolted together and offered up pretty good. The rear box is a bit awkward and I've had to hack a large chunk of bumper recess out but I think it looks pretty good The exhaust is such an improvement. Not only is it much less restrictive than the pea shooter straight through with about 439 blows and holes in it, it's got an awesome deep tone and still sounds loud and raw on vtec. Perfect balance. Mrs still doesn't approve mind..... Also added some stupid stickers. I love stickers I've been in contact with a bloke breaking mbs and im due to pick up a load of spares to start tidying this heap up
  6. No mate. I'd ask about for use of an arch roller if you want a seamless job. I've used electrical tape and a soft hammer before and it came out good, but I wouldn't recommend it. Here's a vid of the "proper" way: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rXm98bxAedw
  7. Is say a roll on the rear arches and front liners out and a roll dependant how low you're going
  8. Cheers Dave Thanks for the heads up with Sky, funnily enough a friend of mine recommends them too as he's used them for various stupid and modified cars. Sure he has a policy where any mods are fair game and won't make a difference unless you double stock horsepower or something.
  9. Yeah having given it some thought the civic will stay I think. Gonna tidy it up a touch, fit this new (to me) exhaust and jobs a goodun. Insurance and running costs of a gs would be too much. Just been ordering and waiting for stupid stickers. I love stickers haha
  10. So any plans I mentioned previously have been put on hold due to the arrival of my son at 04:23 on May 22nd All I have managed to do is browse eBay and sticker shops whilst lying on the couch with the boy passed out on my chest. I'm awaiting all these stickers, I love stickers: The civic has been pretty useless for the past couple weeks. It's far too loud and rawkus for a child really. I've been toying with getting rid and have been offered this Lexus: It's already on coilovers and has the 2jz lump, but is auto. It has a lot of potential and may be more child friendly? That said, I have an exhaust lined up from a properly nice member on here I'm due to collect which should make the civic more bareable. I'm a little torn to be honest. For now the civic is parked up looking rad:
  11. Haha nice! This is car 14 for me, second Honda. Rest have been vws mostly
  12. So insurers are being total arseholes recently and are backing out of insuring my b18 swap without garage proof, sign off etc etc. livid. So I'm gonna have to change insurers, recommendations? I've been told to try brentacre. Decided to go for a hoon last night while buying some milk and then washed it tonight. Polishing a turd springs to mind I get paid tomorrow so a couple of things on the shopping list: Found a full stainless system off an mb6 to butcher Buy 2 front wings Paint bonnet black? Thoughts? Paint spoiler black and refit, thoughts?
  13. Yeah that's a massive help thanks. Apologies for the questions, these Honda things are totally new territory
  14. Yeah it does have quite a kink you're right, good eyes! Maybe il stop being a cheap skate and get a system made up. Don't want to end up with another bodge zorst
  15. Hi gents, I can't take the straight pipe anymore! I've been offered a full system he claims is off mb6 so I'm hoping it will fit my mb3. Does this look like an mb6 system route (backbox on right)
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