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My down pipe and catalytic converter have broke apart, so I bought a new down pipe and middle pipe (middle pipe already has a 'fix' on it from a past hole i had a few weeks back). The down pipe on mine is a twin pipe by the manifold and then joins to one, which I discovered after i'd gotten home with the parts. After taking it back today and saying, the shop tried to order one of correct pipes, but they could't get hold of one as there system never had it(had pictures, but not the pipe), and went to say that it's a Honda only part, which i'd have to go to a Honda dealer.


Not wanting to see what Honda would charge, I'm going to get one online, and was wondering if anyone would know anyplace that'd sell the correct pipe. I've looked on eBay but not wanting to get the part in case it's the wrong one(and then have to go to the hassle of sending it back and such.


Thanks in advance.  :smile:

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Sorry, never had pictures on the computer at the time.


It's for my MC1 Aerodeck, 1.6i SE. 


Heres the top of it:

And the bottom:


Hope there of any help. 

At the moment I've managed to re-connect the cat & the downpipe by useing two jubilee clip's, exhaust wrap and some gum gum paste, which so far is lasting for now, just to keep the noise down.(working night shift and coming home at 4am with a car sounding like a WW2 fighter plane and the neighbors arn't happy!)

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Haha I bet but to be honest mate in would suggest looking for an aftermarket manifold, just an eBay one would do. Probably gonna cheaper than a genuine Honda part like that.

Saying that I will have a look on net see if can find anything

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Just did the same, as well as re-checking ones under 'Honda Civic Aerodeck downpipe'. 


A used one off a CRX comes up and looks the same, as well as some brand new ones(these only show a blueprint picture though). Going to have another look at my pipe to make sure it is the exact same...sadly I'll have to wait till I'm at work(never leave all your tools in one place!).


Thanks for having a look. 

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I personally would recomend an aftermarket manifold but not an ebay one. I have an ebay one on my mb3 and has been on for maybe a year at the very most and 2 of the ports have blew their welds. You can pick up a japspeed one through ebay pretty cheap but i wouldnt go cheap crap.

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