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Posts posted by crazyrob9999

  1. Well didn't do it all myself haha I work n the office more than anything but do get hands dirty more often than not haha but this was to much for me so the mechanic done most of it I just finished off wiring etc and got it done cheaper that way but it no what you know it who you know to and have to say well worth the swap but make sure the engine you buy isn't knackered haha and like I said in an earlier post may be worth taking head off and doing stem seals as so I been told they are what causes the smoking and burning oil

  2. Oh yeah spent 600 on engine then bout 500 on extra parts that I didn't know I needed plus Cam belt water pump clutch then I can't remember how much more I paid haha not a cheap thint to do tbh so save up and dont skimp haha plus if you got cam belt off maybe worth doing stem seals and headgasket just for precautionary measurement. Also make sure you get same obd as your car else causes problems hope all this helps I think it obd2a

  3. Yeah it fits make sure you get engine mount from mb6 as ek4 one different make sure you get engine loom. Try to get a p30 ecu with jumper harness saves messing around with immobilizer. Get rear engine bracket aswell as it different. You have to run a wire from ecu to vtec solenoid as there is no vtec wire ecu will have to have one wire vtec conversion as p30 is 2 wire. Get all of gearstick not just bit that comes attached to gearbox. Driveshafts fit. Iacv is 2 wire and ours is 3 if I correct watch my thread to see if I work it out haha other than that think that all I done if I think of any more will post up :)

  4. Yeah definitely living up to something haha and yeah coz he decided to over take me first I was like wtf so dropped into second and sat behind him all the way was a fun 5 mins haha think I gunna save up now and get all internals of engine revived an may even put lower compression pistons in ;) need more power haha

  5. :) thanks found it on ebay for fairly cheap so thought i would have it and bolt it on. i asked for red and didnt expect the colour to be almost the same as the car so when it was placed up against it i thought thats a bonus and well happy with it although i should get some longer bolts as the originals arnt quite long enough but it will get there :D
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