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Posts posted by knight

  1. I have got the fly eye tint also. I wanna do the complete tail light. Is it easier if I take the lights off or if I leave them on? Also can you explain the process a lil bit please. Would be helpful.


    Lights out mate be easyier! use a hair dryer to heat the plastic and little then you can really pull the stuff around the contors easyier! thats it really mate, Easy :wink:

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  2. Good luck with the claybarring, you'll be surprised how much it picks up, keep the panel area you're claying nice and wet (I use optimum no rinse as a lube rather than qd), work in small areas, use straight strokes, just wipe don't press, when the bar slides without catching you've done that part.


    Not sure exactly how big those bars are but you'll not need much, I use Bilt Hamber clay and only use a quarter each time.


    Knead it so it goes nice and soft and keep kneading it as you go and most importantly (IF YOU DROP IT BIN IT)!! Enjoy, it's gonna be seriously hot this weekend and I hope the above helps. :D


    Thanks for the info mate 8-)  least i know what im doing now  :roll:  the bars are 80grams each,

  3. I like the rear lights! I was going to do the same thing but I have so many rolls of the stuff, I tinted the whole lights. I just got to do the fronts now...  :wink: How many miles do you do every service?


    I hi every 3k i do a oil change,,,  & plugs when i need to as there irridium so they last longer (+there 40 odd pound a set :shock: ) leads don't need a change as i've got kv85 red magncore's

  4. Ok always wanted to tint my rear lights but after seeing some fully tinted thought it was to much/to dark! so i thought about just using flyeyes only on the white bit on the rear lights and i think i have pulled it off, we will see over the next few days as i get used to it or not lol


    Tinting just the white strip






    Just stuck some on to see what it will look like?




    One finished see the difference








    Not bad was a pain to do though :roll:

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