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Everything posted by hubert

  1. Thanks Jay hoath, I don't sleep much and a lot of it is done @ night .
  2. Thanks Craig, still deciding what I'm going to do but I'll keep it SicK.
  3. I thought about stocking James Krzys,to get him to start building these lights lol
  4. the not that ugly lol,just need to spray the grey to black and its all good. I'm hoping to be on the top of the list as I need 2 sets.
  5. Dougie Hamilton, Hi Will do as soon as I sort some things out,and I'll post it,I to am interested.
  6. Thanks Mr.Brown from Kent I'm thinking about removing the badges altogether and replacing them with One ,see above post lol.
  7. Thanks Krzys I'm thinking of removing all the badges @ the back and adding and on the front
  8. Congratulations James dude,now get to making some lights My Project thread:ProCharged MB6 The Build Story.:http://civic5.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7866-procharged-mb6-the-build-story/ The Daily PT2 of the White Collection:"This Is Not a Project is the it's the family ride lol":http://civic5.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8129-the-daily-pt2-of-the-white-collectionthis-is-not-a-project-is-the-its-the-family-ride-lol/
  9. now should i do some maintenance work on the abs or remove the chrome in the back?
  10. Removed. Note* easier then removing the Aerodeck one.
  11. Now for the Back and some de chroming
  12. next morning in the light i could see the white behind the grill as it's not Pirate Black so need to spray
  13. test fit @ night as usual lol
  14. Hints and Tips 1.Don't do it on the living room Rug lol
  15. after cutting and fitting i had enough to make a next on but i might use it for the intercooler
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