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stephen English

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Everything posted by stephen English

  1. Ok cheers, i thought the only difference in the 15-16 block was the dome on the top and rod length.. ? If i used the d15 rods on the y8 forged pistons that should create lower compression. Thus being better for a turbo setup??
  2. defo not mate, i like to try things to be different. If it works great if not, i had the balls to try to be different. And then try something else.
  3. Anyone tell me if d16y8 pistons are the same as d15b ones. £80 cheaper for forged y8 ones over 15b...
  4. yh i know mate.. Got a few bills to pay, then Il order pistons, rods, shells and what not.
  5. yh, same mate... I wanted since last yr.. So hopefully this winter it will happen.. Il take loads of pics too.
  6. thanks.. Think im going to get cp pistons and eagle rods... From h-tune. Grand total of £830.
  7. Yh.. IM not all that good with pcs.. Lol thanks for everyone's help.
  8. il enter my ongoing, ever changing mb2 project. http://civic5.com/forum/index.php/topic/8081-stephens-mb2-d15b-vtec-turbo-project-ongoing/
  9. Shoot... That's y it wont work... I hate smart phones that aren't that smart!!
  10. https://m.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10202047077642220&id=1344971930&set=a.1931792218229.2097428.1344971930&source=43
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