Hi, my MB2 Civic which is OBD2, has an exhaust rattle which I believe is internal to the cat; I notice it when the engine is revved, pulling away etc. (Have checked heatshields which seem OK). The car has also thrown a P0420 (cat efficiency) code and if I clear it it usually comes back within 50 miles. The MoT is due next month so I am not doing anything before and will see what the emissions are like; but if I do need to replace the cat, are the cheap cats on eBay and from EuroCarParts for about £60 any good e.g. HA8002? Will they do the job and prevent the check light coming back or do I need to spend more on a better cat? e.g. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CATALYTIC-CONVERTER-CAT-FOR-HONDA-CIVIC-1-4-1996-1998-HA8002-/331682519400?hash=item4d39d19968:g:O24AAOSw14xWH98N Also how do I access the connector and wiring for the downstream O2 sensor; is it by removing the centre console? Is that straightforward or a pain?