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What size speakers and tweeters for MB3?


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As I got these fitted and doing umm.. nothing, I thought it would be a good idea to upgrade the speakers which comes with tweeters and crossovers.. :D But before I purchase a set, what is the size of the speakers and tweeters? I have seen 6.5" speakers would fit it in the doors with a bit of effort but I would prefer a direct fit. Any help will be appreciated, thanks a bunch ;)


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it will take about 20 minutes of fabrication to fit 6.5" speakers in the doors so very little effort.

The oem speakers are 6" in a plastic baffle so you'd need to buy a plastic baffle (not recommended as they are rubbish)

Tweeter size. I fitted 1" CDT tweeters. This is the component kit I had in my old VTI-S


The oem tweeter is held in place using a bit of brass which is screwed in. Any tweeter of upto 1" will fit with no modification

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Thanks a lot Ryan :D I looked at the CDT HD-62 components and they do look very nice.. But they are way too expensive for me. I am only looking to spend up to 100 quid at the most. I don't see a lot of 6" speakers but see a lot of 6.5" so that is what I most probably have to go for anyway. I will be running them off a JBL 250w RMS amp (Running 2 amps in my car now) but I might go for Hertz ;)

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which jbl amp is it?

If you are on a budget the low end Hertz kit is good and very well rated.

The effort involved in making a baffle to fit 6.5" speakers is very little. You can get the wood cheap too by going to the cutting saw at B&Q and buying off cuts for pence.

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I'm using a JBL GT5-A604E amp (4 channel, 240w RMS at 4 ohms) for the components and 6x9s. And also using a GTO-751EZ Mono block (750w RMS at 2 ohms) for the JBL GT4-12 1000w sub. As you can probably tell already.. I am bit of a jbl freak :lol: But I'm getting a bit tired of loud thumping bass. I want something with more natural sound, crisp and clear. And Hertz look like a perfect match ;)

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if you want a different sound change the box first before changing amps/subs etc

You are giving your 250wrms sub 500wrms so dont be silly with the gain and the volume control on your headunit.

Your 4 channel amp does 4x60wrms so look for 60wrms speakers OR (and this would be my choise) ditch the 6x9 and bridge the amp so you have about 2x200wrms

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I will be keeping the 4 channel amp as they're ideal to power all 4 speakers, and that amp cost me a bit.. I could bridge the amp but I would like 60 whats going to each speaker.

I was going to get another JBL GT4 sub so I can have 500wrms which matches the mono block power but it seems such a waste as I don't even use it to its full potential. That's mainly why I want to go for something smaller.. :)

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