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Everything posted by TaikoHax

  1. So when i'm checking air con compressors i've got the part number (38829P07004) which is a Sanden compressor. But when i look at a variety of auto parts stores there's a number of different compressor's offered (even when I put VIN numbers etc on) Is it safe to take the implication that -any- of those models will fit / aka work as aftermarket equivalents?
  2. Thanks for that buddy (I have the Service Guide but i've been so brain fried from work over the last couple of weeks I was just failing to properly engage with it - hence 'cheating') :) Compressor - ironically I got the impression there were two versions from the above Service Guide. Then when bouncing onto a parts site it naturally showed me 3-4 options and I got paranoid about buying one that basically wouldn't just straight bolt on... In terms of being faulty. The wheel moves but it kinda moves -too- freely (aka wobbly as hell and almost like it's going to fall off) Brakes - better check whether i have a VTi vs MA/MB/MC i guess (unless it's as simple as 'you have a 1.5 Vtec, it's defo x'? Timing Belt - guess i can just use the Service Guide for a part number? Window Trim - apologies. It's the bit at the bottom of the glass - actually i think it should be black but I think the paint has worn away to show chrome/bare metal if that makes sense. Thanks for taking the time to help steer me i the right direction mate.
  3. The TL;DR (too long didn't read) I need urgent help identifying the correct parts/specs or an appropriate substitute to get my car up and running and so i don't get ripped off or order the wrong stuff. Happy to 'pay' / return the favour of time and effort with advice on IT/Digital/Tech or 3D Printing which, unlike this car, is my area of expertise. I'd really like to get things ordered and starting to get fixed asap as I have low confidence in taking the car too far (plus with a broken air con unit it's horrible to drive in 40 degrees) (i've attached some pics where i've...er..managed to take pics) ---feel free to skip to the red bits, i over explain when i'm tired and in work--- The context I've picked up a high mileage battered Aerodeck in Portugal (where i'm currently living) which needs some love to get it up to a trustworthy and drivable standard. It's my only means of transport so i kinda need it up and running ASAP (hence in SOS) Being a foreigner in the Algarve there's a very high likelihood of getting ripped off by Garages : A good chunk of foreigners here earning MUCH more than the equivalent Portuguese, it kinda makes sense I got quoted 700 Euro for a replacement Compressor (before labour) as an example The Plan So my plan is to get the parts in myself, do the work myself where possible or pass the parts to a mechanic where it's not (so at least i'm only paying for labour). BUT I really only want to buy once and of course want to have high confidence that i'm buying the right parts and often websites (autodoc being the example i've gone to most) have multiple options. I can google, ask loads of seperate questions on here and use parts websites of course BUT a) i'm dealing with a raw lack of sleep from the charity work that i've accidentally volunteered with, which with my day job is absorbing my life and sanity and b) whether ADHD, Autism or just paranoia...i'd prefer to be sure and get a steer from someone who's already been through 'the pain' or simply knows what they're talking about. Offer of 'payment' / skill trade Equally if someone has the time and patience to talk me through the below i'd happily recompense with advice or help on anything you need in terms of Technical (IT/Digital/Gadgets/Phones/Websites etc) or 3D Printing advice and help The Critical Things 'wot need fixing' (aka need parts, aka 'help!') - in order Air Con Compressor - looks like my model came with two options, can anyone identify what this model is/was (picture attached) and a 'dropin' substitute? Air Con Any other bits - any other parts you recommend I replace as a 'just in-case' (i'd rather not 'back and forth' as it's approaching 40 degrees daily). Air Con Belt - missing in action Brakes - tbh these seem to work totally fine in action BUT... Front Brake Discs - Properly 'lipped' by about 3-4mm Rear Brake Discs - less bad but also need replacing Calipers? - Defo a persistant squeaking (like non stop and VERY loud), I thought it was coming from the rear and i'm wondering if one of the calipers is seized or needs replacing. Brakes - Any other bits you recommend whilst he's in there? pads one assumes Timing Belt - Engine Timing belt looks frayed. In fairness the other associated belts also look frayed so probably better to get sorted Mysterious squeak/high pitched noise - i'm hoping brakes and new timing belt will sort this BUT any other sensible replacement parts to look at? Non Critical things (advice welcome in an attempt not to bog down mutiple threads) Anything else that, to save myself a faff down the road, I should consider? I have a terrible habit of trying to 'restore' things (hence dropping the non critical stuff here) Engine - Starts first time and seems to pull well (can't quite tell how smooth as i haven't really pushed it and aformentioned squeak/squeals mean i don't want to push my luck) Clutch - the HIGHEST clutch in the world. Like i only need to push on it about 1cm before it engages. Personally i prefer something midway down. Can this be adjusted? Gear Shift - clunky, especially going into reverse...but then my later generation Type R had quite clunky grindy gearbox too...how much of a faff would it be to swap this? Tyres - new, everything looks fine, alloys look s**t and it'd be nicer if had better ones but hey Bushings/Suspension etc - Well... I'm not bottoming out and i haven't really ragged it around corners yet.. Window Trim - all the chrome has come off and it looks s**t. I was speculating just taping the thing up and spraying it in situ... Keys - I have 1 set of keys and I don't think the remote lock works. Are these easy to copy/clone Doors - less important but... Driver's side door - silver interior handle spring has gone missing so i have to physically close the lever so the door will close Passenger side door - will not lock from the outside, only by pressing the lock stud down from the inside (i'm not even sure the central locking works on it) Door Handles - look s**t. I guess I need to find a breaker part or re-spray them Bumper/Front/Dressing - am i making this up or can you get more 'Aggressively Japanese' bumpers for this? If I manage to get the car drivable (and actually a good temperature inside) are there any sites you recommend for any other 'dressing' when i inevitably spend too much time investing in the car? Battery - yup. I know. They've stuck a battery in that's way too large for the space. I have no idea why. I'll need to swap that at some point.
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