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About JayLock

  • Birthday 09/30/1976

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  • Location
    West Midlands

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  1. Just got Fired, no job no money no car.....
  2. Day 13.. CRISIS!! Started wheels at 1100hrs, run out of paint!!!! Argh!!! #unpreparedness central/c**k...
  3. Still do that sometimes, i thought it just different makes of car not were they were made, school day number 3...
  4. I just went back in time to when you did your wheels, there holding up well, how did you get your nuts so red?
  5. and they say the internet is made for porn, in some ways they were right car porn.day 12. absolutely nothing happening, sodding rainy crappy bloody sitting waiting for er indoors getting her hair done... I am wet and yet all is dry......
  6. lol there was a moment there i thought i had a senior moment...
  7. nice job on the window tinting, did you take it out or apply it straight on? Also like the bonnet raise, is that hard to do? Looks proper boss!
  8. i concur with this and since you won't be needing it... Nudge, nudge, wink, wink......
  9. Looks like he took a run up before hammering whatever it is he's after! or is that you?
  10. Love it, it might be the way the light is hitting your car but have you yellow tinted the headlight? looks
  11. Yes!!!!!! Photo whoring!!! love seeing pictures...
  12. Oooo? show rims you say? another set you say?
  13. I think that looks top banana chap! I like that there is a screw there looking lonely! I have one of those! he's hiding at the moment till I figure out where he came from Nice colour to, very different, here in the Midlands I see a lot of these cars but never of this colour...Very Nice
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