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Everything posted by mae-civic

  1. OMG can't believe that!!! Its just amazing and it's the perfect birthday gift thank you all ♥♥♥
  2. Ok, no prob Don't worry I'm happy you enjoy them, there are very usefull^^ when everyone will receive the order, tell me what do you think about
  3. get your payement, thank you will be send next week
  4. Approved by Admin (Dave) hi every body as you know, we never find some things about civic M's, so i decided to create keychain so, it's a keychain, 15cm, only one colour black with picture of civic M's and aerodeck (i ordered only 100, already 20 sold) 1 keychain 8€ (euro), 2 keychains 15€ shipping inclued only with PAYPAL at this adrs : v.maeva33@gmail.com IMPORTANT please, with paypal payment send a message with : ° your name AND facebook name if it's different ° your full adress as clearly as possible ° how many keychain you want i send ( from France ) everywhere in Europe with a simple lettre, once by week Maë here some pictures:
  5. thank you all <3 i'm very proud ( ps : people who want keycain, i will get them tomorraw, and will write conditions )
  6. before, and after, 5 years of wonderful memories with her <3 and my both angels
  7. i ordered some keychains civic MA MB MC (ONLY 100, already 20 booked) you can see here : https://www.facebook.com/112883082194176/photos/a.112913158857835.21238.112883082194176/496299797185834/?type=1&theater or on my personal facebook (keychain, black; 13 cm x 2, with civic MA MB and aerodeck, i will get them in 2 weeks, but you can book one , the price will be 8€ shipping IN )
  8. i will try to find rover in breakers new part is very expansive thank you Dave, it touches me <3, still some work on this civic, but she is so nice actually
  9. where can i find the 4 garnish door / window ? new as possible. if i take them on Honda it's going to cost nearly 300 € http://www.lingshondaparts.com/honda_car_parts_selection_pfk.php?block_01=17ST301&block_02=B__4210&block_03=17096
  10. i nominated myself @maë-civic and my MB1 http://civic5.com/forum/topic/9347-ma%C3%ABs-diamond-mb1/page-5
  11. i'm happy that civic5 enjoy her <3 that's a perfect reward for me
  12. more pictures here https://www.flickr.com/photos/maecivic/sets/72157629956275804/ i'm just in love ... damn i love her...
  13. no prob i have to make pictures and today, just get the mb6 lip, will wait for the paint she get a lot of present for her 240 000 km^^ ps: if you want to ad me on facebook it's maë civic
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