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Everything posted by mae-civic

  1. that's it...very french ! nothing else to say XD i remember, we bought a peugeot 206 few years ago, we kept her only 6 months and had problems!!!
  2. merci Quentin! c'est cool de voir aussi que des Français apprécient ma civic ! thanx Quentin! nice to see that french people enjoy my civic too
  3. waiting to have enought money to buy a short final drive!!!! can't wait! i think i'll be very nice!
  4. I take my black when i see family, long or short way, she is the daily And i take my white on weekends to have fun or meet my friends
  5. i have already lowered her i think it's good, more lowered will be hard to drive
  6. i prefere the grey this is an old photoshop with the first link of wheels
  7. this one : http://www.12tune.fr/rechercher-par-pieces/jantes-et-pneumatiques/drag-wheels-dr31-18-inch-5x100-5x114-3-et15-noir-gris-anthracite-bronze.html or this one http://www.12tune.fr/rechercher-par-pieces/jantes-et-pneumatiques/japan-racing-wheels-jr-3-16x7-et40-4x100-114-3-bronze-gun-metal-noir-matt-blanc-pour-toutes-les-voitures.html maybe the second choice
  8. yeah, i love this model, and it was a good occasion to don't loose!!
  9. Thank you mate. That 's so nice to hear that;) I hope get new wheels and tyres for the end of year
  10. @ tom : i never ashamed i can talk about aaaaaaaanything ^^ think you, they are my 2 babies a french friend got 2 Mb too @simpo, yesterday i spend a lot of time to post pics, i did the best
  11. ok if i see something i will close one eye
  12. it's become intimate! i don't want read more
  13. lool if you don't get this A on your car, you should have a contravention! i never had one, and never put the plate XD
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