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headlight switch issue and upgraded lights



headlight / indicator combo switch started playing up, result being lost headlights whilst driving, which is a bit disconcerting. found some info on how to disassemble the switch and clean contacts etc, if the one in the 'deck is the same, just wondering if anyone has tried this, or whether replacement combo switches available ? have used contact cleaner on the ignition switch several times when that has been iffy and that seemed to cure it. 


also on the subject of headlights, they are pants, especially vs. modern LED units which are insanely bright. 

I have upgraded bulbs fitted (of course) but what are the other options ? e.g. anyone tried HIDs in place of the halogen H4s ? I saw a thread on here where someone had fitted projectors into the original light units so that looks kind of do-able - maybe !  But nothing when you search HID on this forum - strangely !? Or are HIDs out of favour now because LED bulb replacements are so good ? that's the other option I guess. 


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To be honest, I've rarely even heard about these switches acting up, so my best guess would be either to just go to a wrecker or buying a used one from someone parting their M-chassis out. There are still enough of those around for that to be an option.


And this is just speculation on my part, but I also noticed that pretty much all 90s Hondas share visually the same stalks, be it an EG or an NSX.
So maybe that's another thing to look into.


Regarding the brightness issue - I myself fitted some ultra bright H4s from Philips that are actually meant for motorcycles, and they are considerably brighter than the normal ones before. But that's still only an alright level of brightness, not neccessarily great.

So I always also use my fog lights when driving at night, which really helps light up the periphery.


And retrofitting HIDs and LED bulbs is... kinda sketchy and also possibly illegal, depending on where you live. But there are pretty nice LED ones on the market.


So you only really got a choice between adding extra lights, getting the brightest H4s, or going down the sketchy route of retrofitting more modern tech into your M.


Those 'Ultra Bright LED Laser Matrix Plus whatever' lights modern cars use are just so extremely overpoweringly bright that no matter what you get- as long as it doesn't outshine the literal f-ing sun, you're gonna get the short end of the stick. It's ridiculous.



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Sorry for the delay, thanks Sir Paperbag/ Patrick ! I already have bright halogen H4s fitted, Philips, extreme/ race vision or whatever, as you say, theyre ok but still not great. the fog light idea is good, thanks. maybe with LED bulbs in there ? I have found some LEDs that look good, there are plenty available for not too silly money, will maybe try these but looks like might need to doctor the rubber boot, to clear the heatsink/ fan portion on these bulbs. 

I have cleaned the h/light lens as best I can, but have got a polishing kit to take out the remaining haziness, used just the polish so far but i think need to 'man up' and try the wet and dry. I see AKR have new units available from Depo at reasonable price, so that's an option. 

the other thing of course with halogens is to ensure the voltage drop is not excessive, previous car I fitted a relay kit, not an issue with LEDs as they operate from 8V. and current is lower. 

Re the switch it's ok at the moment so probably just needs a good clean with contact cleaner. below was the page I found,  M series switch might be similar. 

thanks again. 




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