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headlight glue recommendations?


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Hi people, just de-tangoed my headlights...can anyone recommend a good sealant/adhesive?..i know you can re-use the old stuff but i cleaned it all off because it was all manky.cheers.

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he has a point like, ive done a few headlights in the oven and its always been mega sticky even after a few goes at it. I always find that i have some bits where its gone all stringy and then left gaps though, and used tigerseal quite effectively. its a glue as well as a sealant so does both jobs, but dont get it on your paintwork as its a pig to get off.

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i has no choice...i didnt want to chance lights misting up etc...well i bought some stuff better than sika-flex...it would be handy to know what the standard stuff is...tried many contacts...no ones spilling the beanz....thanks guys for the help...really appreciate it :D

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too late peoples.....done the dastardly deed and sealed them using sika-flex...i was very generous with the stuff too...b****r them if i need to open them again...wrapped them tight with cable ties till it goes off...well have to wait and see what happens.

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Ive used silkaflex in the past too with good results. Takes a good 48 hours to cure properly though. Triple check you havent missed any bits as if you get water inside the lights youll get condensation.

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