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jamex springs :(


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well what can i say...i aint slating a product just telling my end of the story....iv been on a bit of a mission lately with shocks and springs...mixing and matching....my old jamex springs which i had for allmost a year and a bit had served me well until i bought some Eibachs and noticed the difference.....................................................................but heres the scary bit...dont know when it happened but certainly went un-noticed...i installed them in the rear MG dampers and job was done...car was stuck up on one side and thought strange....i even threw my gearbox i had spare in it and it didnt hardly budge??..went for a wizz round block and same again??? whipped them off and saw this... :shock:

yep 1 spring was longer than the other and they were wonky.....i even installed the jamex in the MGZs dampers and the rear dont fit the lower pan..the leftrear spring is ever so slightly longer ie stretched than the other 1.....

just telling you guys dont think its something it may not usually be..chances are it probably is..



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  • 5 weeks later...

i wouldnt worry too much adam...they were fine in the MB dampers...it happened when i fitted them in the MG dampers..the lower pan wasnt big enough to house the spring. as id left them in there thinking all is well...after i noticed something was wrong...maybe left them in too long and caused some damage???

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i have new ones on MG dampers and they are ok at the min but would like to see the Eibachs in some ones car some time

I'll have Tubbs at the blackpool meet mate if you're coming along?

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