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Temp too high!


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Hello all

I know there are a few threads on this but may as well ask! My car temp was running very low, to the point it would go down to the bottom. So today I got a garage to replace the thermostat, bleed the system and top up the coolants etc. upon driving the car back the temp rose to above 2/3rds so I whacked the blowers on and drove it back tothe garage. They said it was bled for 45 mins, so they concluded it could be the head gasket (pressure test req) or maybe the heater matrix. I'm taking their word that they have fully bled the system so am wondering in the other things they mentioned could be a possibility?

Any help would be great


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That's what I am saying new one could be faulty. Take the oil cap off see if there is any white cream around it. Also whats the coolent level doing

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you have to get it hot to bleed it, also these aint self bleeding engines. run engine for about 1 hour with the radiator cap off keeping and eye on the expansion tank so it dont run dry.

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As above, when cold take the rad cap off and then just leave it ticking over and once she's warmed up, any bubbles comming out would mean there was an airlock!

If after a while your not convinced then hold her at a few revs to generate more heat, but if there's no bubbles and she's starting to overheat then let her cool down, check for mayo on the dipstick and oil cap and back to the garage!

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