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Speed issues?


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Hey guys,

I've got an MC2 with a b18c4 in it and I took it for a blast the other day (obviously on a closed road with full safety equipment ;-)) and when I put my foot down, it seemed much slower than I was expecting. I maxed out at 100 and it didn't seem to want to pull any higher. It's this normal or is there an issue? The "closed road" was about 2 miles long and straight as an arrow.

I've never experienced vtec before at high speeds but it was deafening whilst screaming away, is that likely to have something to do with the cone air filter? My friend has an EK9 and she seems to think it sounds normal...and she works at Honda.


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100mph??? flat out, if so your car has serious health issues! as above collapsed cat? also how big is the cone filter? if its a small one then it wouldnt go very fast either,

if your friend has an ek9 and thinks yours is normal then hers must be broke too.

you are changeing into 4th and 5th yeah? :lol:

sorry couldnt help it

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yep they do 135+mph on closed roads all day long and thats with 160k on the clock with std intake, defos' in need of some good servicing cos that doesn't sound like a B18

have u got any pics of the newly acquired MC2? get a project thread on the go...

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I don't think this s**tting ebay filter is doing you any good. ;)

used to have one of those metal cones on my 95' corolla 1.3, the engine sounded like a monster when you put your foot down, but the thing is they don't really filter the air so potentially dust particles etc are getting sucked into your engine meaning increased engine wear and more frequent service intervals.

sound is amazing cant deny it...

is that a metal filter or does it have some sort of cotton filter inside?

i've seen the thread already such a muppet sometimes, really bad short term memory cheers

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My MB6 will do that in 3rd gear, so you need to check a few things out. I would start with putting standard filter on and see if that makes a difference.

x2, should be shifting into 4th at a ton, cone filter in the bin, k&n in a standard airbox or an itr box if you can find one. Cone filters suffer from heat soak.

Change that + a good service is the best place to start.

Have you taken it to the redline and can you hear the changes in engine note at around 4.5k and 6k :?:

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Yikes...just got an email notification saying I had a reply...there's a full on discussion going on here!

Well that's the thing...I've had 70 out of 2nd before, so maybe it was just a strange run. I've got to take the Mrs to Bristol airport tomorrow so I'll give it a boot on the way back down. Again it'll definitely be a closed road (M5) and I'll report back.

I've been offered a stock airbox + k&n so I'll get that when I get paid and go from there. I think the cat is ok but I could be wrong, what's the best way to test it? The filter is just a metal one of I'm not mistaken so that's probably not doing it much good. I'll do a service and oil change when I get the funds, it needs it because I'm only getting ~26mpg from it and I think that should be slightly higher. It's mostly town driving...I'm a dominos delivery driver when I'm not playing with rocks at uni!

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