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IABs andd VTEC Query.


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done a bit of googling and still confused...

was on a bit of a motorway run today.

vtec kicks in about4.5k grand bit of pull but mostly just engine note change.

big thing is i dont get the wooooosh feeling at 6k when IABs should open.

got home pulled off the vac line off the IAB diaphram and plugged it. went for a spin.

by god it sound like an anti christ now but still not a massive pull off vtec. any ideas what could be causing this???

Nurburg Ring in 9 weeks so starting to sort out all my gremlins and this popped up today...

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Pulling the vacume hose of the iabs wont realy do any thing, apart from maybe make it run lean, pointless unless you alter the map to suit the iab delete, you rill only make the same power as the fueling is set to increase at 5800 when the iabs open,

If you want a bigger "kick" or noticable change at 4.5k put a 4-1 mani on! Massive noise difference!

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I have one of these, makes it simple. :)


As far as the iabs go, what mods do you have? if it's standard they're not that noticeable, an air filter and deresonating the airbox brings them to life. :D

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