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Avital Car Alarms


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Anyone have experience with these?


Mine has a Avital Maxx 1 alarm fitted. The paperwork says it was fitted back in 2003!

I guess it's had no issues, it's just been configured to Mr Paranoid who owned it before.


A few things are bugging me with it. Firstly, if you close the doors, it counts down 60secs then automatically arms the alarm. Damn annoying when washing the car!

Supposedly there's a small "Valet" switch hidden which allows you to configure certain things... can't for the life of me figure out where it is.


I found a small control box under my gear surround which controls two optional sensors. Which sensors? No idea.

I turned the sensitivity down as they were on level 9000. Cats keep setting the alarm off.


Whilst adjusting my pedals the other day I came across the main unit. Judging by the amount of wires and the size of the thing it looks as though I have the Cray supercomputer stuffed up behind my dash. Held in place lovingly with a zip tie.

All the wires are bunched together so it's difficult to trace any. Not to mention the awkward positioning!


I'm still not even sure where any of the sensors are located!

There's two usually located in the A pillars. I can't see them.

I know that it's wired to monitor all 4 doors, I think the handbrake, ignition, boot and bonnet.


Though if I lock it and walk off, sometimes it will beep a series of times. Not alarm arming chirp, it's the warning chirp. If you bang the window it does it.

I can't work out why it does it when it's locked and no one is around!?


If you stand near the wing mirrors, the same happens. I do have my dash cam stuck to my windscreen, maybe the sensors can detect something there?

I'll remove and re-test. 


General locking / unlocking / immobilising works without issue.



Would I recommend this piece of dog turd to a friend? No.

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Never heard of it myself chap! Have you tried looking up the device on the net?

All I can find is a manual and an installation manual and a few miscellaneous threads about issues that don't help :(

Not as useful as you'd hope either.


Can't find any pictures of the unit either.

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Bugger! I've never heard of it and if the internet barely has any info on it then it must be quite an obscure one! You might be better off pulling it out of its hidey hole and tracing it all to see where it goes and work out what it's doing! 

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b****r! I've never heard of it and if the internet barely has any info on it then it must be quite an obscure one! You might be better off pulling it out of its hidey hole and tracing it all to see where it goes and work out what it's doing! 

Whilst trying to fix my rear speakers I had my head under the dash, near the steering wheel.


And what do I see? MY VALET BUTTON!


Configured my alarm so no more annoying auto-arm business :D 

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It was good of the previous owner to tell you where they'd put it. :rolleyes:


I'm sure I've heard of Avital but I certainly have no experience of them.

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