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  3. Like the bonnet in blue mate, looks slick
  4. Last week
  5. few update pics on partners civic eu8
  6. few updates on car. blue bonnet is current
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  8. Thanks. I like be different. Has had few more bits done
  9. Nice mate! Glad you got it sorted out and good to know you have a map there in case any members are needing one/info.
  10. Thanks for replies, wanted this for a "customer" to burn on sst chip on socketed p30 ecu. Did my research and its not possible to do due to eco part of map (basically need to somehow switch between normal map/eco map/high lift map. Made one but with no eco mode (works great, tested if anyone needs) .
  11. On the night shift downtime and was having a read through this thread, thought the car looked awful familiar. Saw it at cadwell a while back, with presumably its new owner. Looked and sounded amazing, went like f**k too! ahaha
  12. Dave


    Out and about in DD yesterday, and who should we spot coming the other way on the A68 but Cammy in his silver deck! Decks looking sweet mate!😀
  13. Right, to hell with YouTube. Uploaded directly to civic5! Couple of photos too. 20240502_165628.mp4
  14. Should be viewable now although YouTube won't let me embed it on the site for some reason. Probs need YouTube premium for that now...another money making con lol
  15. Shite! Wtf is YouTube playing at with my videos! It was set to public and also allow embedding but it doesn't allow that either when viewing the video? I'll see if I can fix it.
  16. Nice, wish more places up here too that approach. Might see if there's any interest in pubs near here for a classic/retro/modded car meet! Know a place where it would be ideal!
  17. Think they do it free as its their venue, with a pub / wedding venue, and bit of publcity for their restoration business / car sales - on a Thursday night so probably doesn't cost them much apart from time, and brings them a bit of business in when it might be quiet. Win win.
  18. Dave

    '99 MB2

    Man she is looking spot on mate! Sitting really nice on those wheels too. Stunning!
  19. lol yeah, deffo keeping the eyes on the road! Finally got it fitted properly and got the trim piece made for it and fitted so looks pukka now. Will post another photo/pic of it when I get a chance. Went for a day our with my mate who does volunteering at a steam locomotive museum in Bo'ness (he's big into his trains). He's been learning all the skills for restoring them so had me round the various workshops showing me how the trains work/how they restore them. Was fascinating stuff, everything is on such a huge scale copared to when I used to restore old Ford Cortinas. Highlights were we both got tasked with giving one of the engines aa clean.......Thomas the tank engine!! lmao But biggest highlight was he arranged with one of the drivers to give us a we run through the station, up front in the cabin! Was totally amazing experience, and a box most definitley ticked! We went up in DD (who's now rocking her posh wheels again!) and been the longest trip by far she's had in years. Drove spot on all the way! Got a nice wee video of her beside the tracks as the train came past driven by Taylor who gave us a toot toot as they went by lol. I'll upload the photos later but here's the video for now. https://youtu.be/WGjsVH0bU5k
  20. Most of the shows up here are all pay to get in! Theres a crcker coming up in June about 10 mins up the road from us at Thirlstane castle in Lauder. They're also doing a bit at the show to celebrate 60yrs of the Ford Mustang so Gayle and me will be in our eliment! Always wanted a Mustang and it's Gayle's fav car.
  21. dan1

    '99 MB2

    Thank you mate. So happy with how the car is, looking forward to some decent weather to enjoy it in!
  22. Fitted a Bride Low Max last week, certainly lives upto its name! Feels like driving a go kart now! Was originally going to use the MB rails and modify them to fit, but the effort really wasn’t worth it for me. A lot of cutting, butchering and welding was needed so instead I bought M2 EK rails which almost lined up. The front two tabs line up fine, but the rear right tab is too far back so would need grinding off and welding just a little further forward, and the rear left tab grinding off and welding a little further forward also. However, I didn’t do this as I didn’t have access to a welder. So for the right side I used a long bolt that can reach through to gap and secure it tightly. Had to file a small amount of metal on the top side of the bolt hole on the rails to allow the the angle of the bolt. And the left side I drilled the rail tab out a little further infront of the original hole on the tab. Everything fits snugly and is all tight and secure with no movement, ordered a harness too so will attach that when it comes. Just have the other side to do now…..ahaha. But in hindsight I think I’ll be grinding the tabs off and welding them instead of messing about so much!
  23. Thanks man appreciate that! The fabric I used has self adhesive on the back of it that’s very strong so literally just stretched it and stuck it down, can’t see it coming off anytime soon either. If you typed in something like alcantara wrap on AliExpress I’m sure you’ll find it, though I’m sure it was listed as velvet ahaha And I’m not sure if I’ve got a photo from the front, though I have just fitted a low max and got a couple photos so I’ll see if any of them are good
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