Could be rad leak, hose etc as engine is very hot and if its only seeping prob won't notice it! Mayo is normally sign of head gasket and if u don't have this I would be looking at leaks etc first before I spent out on a head gasket
So ur lazy then as your saying u should search more wisely when u could of just opened ur boot and measured them! IMO it's good to find out and do things ur self rather than just search on the net all the time.
Firstly car will be sluggish if ur trying to rag it when it's cold as vtec doesn't work intill car is up to normal temp! Dizzy could be the problem but I would start by changing plugs and leads as its a lot cheaper than a dizzy
Not really cheeky remark u could of just waited till the morning and measured them. You were first to jump the gun when you didn't get the right information by starting this thread!
Never used any coolent when I had it! I would start by looking at hoses and rad.( rovers prone for head gaskets) or maybe just due to the really hot weather maybe a full coolent change might help