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Everything posted by marko

  1. quick update/write up. first of all removing the bushes from my MGZS ARB and droplinks. so the ARB and L bracket bushes basically fell off but the bushes in the droplink were a pain for 5mins until i took a hack saw to the rubber part of the link on one side and just cut through it then the bush again just fell out. sorry for the bad quality pics but its real hard to take a photo on a touch screen with gloves on :/ i assume at this point everybody knows how to unbolt the brackets and droplinks from the ARB itself eitherway it was simply 6 10mm bolts i then proceeded to remove the rust with a wire brush scraper and a wire wheel in a drill, then i etched the rest of tthe ARB with a 240grit sand paper to give the paint something to grip and lastly the the first lick of paint think i will splash out and get spray hammerite next time easier to get a better finish with spray's
  2. also what length m10 nuts and bolts id you need?
  3. Did you resolve this? I bought poly bushes for vmcheaper than oem rubber :/ hope this helps
  4. Lol yeah I'll be sat at home with my wire wheel wire brush and Hammerite tidying them arb then if it's dry enough I'll fit the poly bushes should be real easy to fit without a vice with a simple improvised "tool" I'll get some photos as I'm doing it
  5. Was a shock to come home to these last night?
  6. nice one mate should be getting things done from now till tuesday then its mot time on wednesday fingers crossed
  7. lol im too impatient just ordered these and the 2 that fit in the drop link
  8. also superflex bushes are cheaper than genuine should i go for the poly?
  9. here it is brackets an all needs a lick o paint but should be sweet
  10. man ive just been eying up some g clamps in just the job and thought nahh sack it another time could have done ewt with those you could do with a vice ahhwell and i litrally just popped on here to see if anyone had swapped just the bushes gunna order some bushes now then just outta curiosity has anybody done this? and done a write up, wouldnt mind speaking to some one to get there opinion
  11. need rear anti roll bar drop links if anyone know where to get tem cheap like lol edit; mgzs drop links that is
  12. quick update, insurance sorted, my mb6 my GF ford KA we can both drive each others cars fully comp and i can drive anyones car so long as its already privately insured. and all for 1400, 850 for mine 550 for hers very pleased with that also picked up a few bits for my lil green apple, RTA bushes x2 for 9 english pounds yes 9 only charged me for one sorry john banks but £9 is a massive 300% less than genuine then i picked these up last night ohh yes 180 shocks and springs should have a few more parts arriving soon also need then all fitted next week sometime ready for the mot.
  13. Wasn't expecting that man nice English too, will be referring to this once more the day before I get stuck in and get some bits swapped ready for the mot thanks
  14. Nice job on your caliper need to do all 4 of mine they are all binding and my brakes fade sooooo fast when I boot it like on run around the country roads and I liteally have no brakes :/ think it's causing some real bad fuel consumption, which I don't mind just yet as I can't wait to fill up with shells V-Power Nitro+ haha sounds awesome even if it is just rebranded V-Power You have any tips or trick thing you would have done differently in hindsight? Besides not doing it in the rain
  15. Also I have a shopping list for you guys old MOT had advisories for drop links (all 4 I guess) and rear tie rods, I would like to replace these with aftermarket Ive heard someone mention teigwa tie rods and what not what aftermarket bits do I get like for what modle as we all know our cara arnt really listed on anywhere but Meisters website :/
  16. I thought that it was the same household type thing but put my GF address in (as it's slightly cheaper if the policy is in here name) and put that both the cars a kept at my address over night now surely they would have picked up on that and not quoted us if they couldn't I mean it wouldn't let me put myself as single when I put my GF relationship to me as GF so I assume it's right so all you young one suffering the woes of car insurance go multi car admiral is apparently the best and the cheapest think that's 600 pounds worth of mods hahah I know exactly what j would get with 600 too straight up id buy obx ITBs, itr head and a socketed ecu hopefully I'll have these by the end of the year could have had a set of coilies but decided to go to Florida for two weeks instead
  17. So I have a huge update for you guys today, me and my GF were surfing the inteweb looking for insurance as we're both due for renewal on the same date :/ and well I would recommend this to anyone living close enough to each other but basically I got my insurance for 900 after getting quoted 2000 on my renewal you k ow how I did it? Multi car!!!! Damn so fricken good 900 for mine and 600 for my GF and she's only been driving or little over a year so yeah all pool togther and get you cars on multi car policies
  18. i used past tense words ie; paid and also left out the pound signs for that exact reason
  19. Put some cheap tyres on the wheels get some matching part worns from your local tyre shop, you'll find your Gunna have to refurb them again after they're fitted (paint and laquer no matter how much laquer) are no substitute for a propper powder coat, I paid 150 for mine with two pretty new budget tyres and two say 50% worn potenzas on them. Also don't be forgetting you paid 100 for them with tyres, so either spend up on tyres and charge more or drop yOur price to reflect what they owe you minus the labour you put in
  20. yeah i wont change any springs unless the mot tester says there that bad, and i killed two tyres and they were the expensive tyres, it was the back that had budgets on now :/ and the back dosent seem to be wearing to bad atm considering how twisted that trailing arm is
  21. lol asda may well be better but only on third party again, and a small update my car seemed to have ripped through to brigestone potenzas in about 5 weeks which i thought was odd at the least, so had to go get emergency part worn tyres they were that bad i could see the steel weave, then took her to get the fronts aligned and man o man 13 degrees out at the front 13! theyre now nice and straight and what a difference my car turns in now like when i turn the wheel! ive neraly oversteered a few times since the fix and my car feels like a whole new car cant wait to get the back sorted then sort out my breaks every one seems to be binding at the minute.
  22. Lol as it just happens I have a tesco staff card linked to my account wich is essentially a club card that gets you 10% of everything but cigs and fuel, did make a difference to my premium as in it probs Beloit it down from the 3600 tesco were wanting on comparison sites :/
  23. I tried sky last year when I got the car and he didn't even tell me what the quote was as it was way higher than what I was currently paying I know but as I said I'm Gunna stop bailing all these bad drivers out by slamming on swerving around them or continuing around a round about cause the fool to the left Dosnt even know that there doing anything wrong :/ ahhwell what can I do but shop around I got a better deal at 1400 bug that's third party no fully comp a I am now :/
  24. Wow!! Might have to sell the beast! Just got my insurance renewal and now with an extra years no claims bonus they want 2000 as opposed to the 1300 I payed last year I wann cry cant seem to get a decent quote on her anymore, although I can get insured on a gto or supra for 1300 and that's got a 3.0l v6 beating inside of it :/ I hate insurance companies Gunna stop slamming on when retards pull out on me in future get my monies worth from the robbing bastewards
  25. also looking at the photos now with them tiny wheels on makes me think it needs lowering really bad might have to get some springs at the same time
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